CV Alia DELLAGI Professor In Plant functional genomics, Plant-microbe
interactions, Plant nutrition
Nitrogen (N) is the major limiting factor in agriculture and the largest input cost for non-leguminous crops, which can account for up to 60% of the production costs. For maize, yield performance is mainly dependent on N fertilization. However, this extensive use of N affects ecosystems and represents an important environmental threat. Nitrogen nutrition may be optimized with the help of soil-borne microbes such as nitrogen fixing bacteria or mycorrhizal fungi. Optimizing the use of N by plants using soil-borne microbes is the focus of our projects. We develop genomic and physiological approaches to tackle this issue.
Professional career:
Outreach videos
Santé des Plantes société nationale d'horticulture de France.
Microbe mediated plant N nutrition Laboratoire LIED UPCité
Les relations plantes-microbes, des interactions à n’en plus finir avec Alia Dellagi
interactions, Plant nutrition
Nitrogen (N) is the major limiting factor in agriculture and the largest input cost for non-leguminous crops, which can account for up to 60% of the production costs. For maize, yield performance is mainly dependent on N fertilization. However, this extensive use of N affects ecosystems and represents an important environmental threat. Nitrogen nutrition may be optimized with the help of soil-borne microbes such as nitrogen fixing bacteria or mycorrhizal fungi. Optimizing the use of N by plants using soil-borne microbes is the focus of our projects. We develop genomic and physiological approaches to tackle this issue.
Professional career:
- Since 2018 Professor at AgroParisTech in Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin - Sciences du Végétal UMR1318, (Versailles, France).
- 2012-2017 Associate professor at AgroParisTech in Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin UMR1318, (Versailles, France).
- 2000-2012 Associate professor at AgroParisTech (previously INA-PG) in Laboratory of Plant-Pathogen Interactions, (Paris, France).
- 1997-1999 EU funded Postdoc at SCRI (now James Hutton Institute, Dundee, Scotland, UK).
- 1993-1997 PhD at INA-PG in Plant Molecular Pathology (now AgroParisTech Paris France).
- 2010 Habilitation to supervise research (HDR) at Université Paris Sud, France.
- 1997 PhD at INA-PG, co-financed INRA and Tunisian Ministry of Education Paris, France.
- 1993 Master’s degree, Diplôme d’Agronomie Approfondie (DAA) at INA-PG, Paris, France.
- 1992 Diploma of Engineer in Agronomy, at Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, Tunisia.
- Deputy director of the Laboratory of Excellence of Saclay Plant Sciences.
- Appointed to the Specialist Scientific Committee 2 of the the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (2020-2024).
- Appointed to the administration board of the French Society of Phytopathology (2012-2019).
- Appointed to the French Agriculture ministry lecturers evaluation board (CNECA 5, 2012-2018).
- Appointed to the Commission d'évaluation des ingénieurs à l'INRA (2009-2017).
- Responsible of Plant Sciences Master program of Paris-Saclay University.
- Responsible of the AgroParisTech Sustainable production 1 Master 1 Program (2015-2020).
- Decouard B, Chowdhury NB, Saou A, Rigault R, Quilleré I, Sapir T, Marmagne A, Paysant le Roux C, Launay-Avon A, Guerard F, Mauve C, Gakière B, Lévy-Leduc C, Barbillon P, Saha R, Courty PE, Wipf D, Hirel B, Dellagi A. (2023) Maize (Zea mays L.) interaction with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis allows mitigation of nitrogen deficiency stress: physiological and molecular characterization bioRxiv 2023.10.13.562190; doi:
- Chowdhury N B, Simons-Senftle M, Decouard B, Quillere I, Rigault M, Anna Sajeevan K, Acharya B, Chowdhury R, Hirel B, Dellagi A, Maranas C, Saha R. (2023). A multi-organ maize metabolic model connects temperature stress with energy production and reducing power generation. iScience 26(12):108400. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.108400
- Decouard, B., Bailly, M., Rigault, M., Marmagne, A., Arkoun, M., Soulay, F., Caïus, J., Paysant-Le Roux, C., Louahlia, S., Jacquard, C., Esmaeel, Q., Chardon, F., Masclaux-Daubresse, C., & Dellagi, A. (2022). Genotypic Variation of Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Amino Acid Metabolism in Barley . In Frontiers in Plant Science (Vol. 12).
- Rigault M., Citerne S., Masclaux-Daubresse C. Dellagi A. (2021) Salicylic acid is a key player of Arabidopsis autophagy mutant susceptibility to the necrotrophic bacterium Dickeya dadantii. Sci Rep 11:3624.
- Verly C., Djoman A.C.R., Rigault M., Giraud F., Rajjou L., Saint-Macary ME., Dellagi A. (2020) Plant defense stimulator mediated defense activation Is affected by nitrate fertilization and developmental stage in Arabidopsis thaliana. 11:583. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:583.
- Dellagi A., Quillere I, Hirel B., (2020) Beneficial soil borne bacteria and fungi: a promising way to improve plant nitrogen acquisition. Journal of Experimental Botany.
- Liu L., Gueguen-Chaignon V., Gonçalves IR, Rascle C, Rigault M, Dellagi A., Loisel E., Poussereau N., Rodrigue A., Terradot L., Condemine G. (2019) A secreted metal-binding protein protects necrotrophic phytopathogens from reactive oxygen species. Nature comm. 24:4853.
- Rigault M., Buellet A., Masclaux-Daubresse C., Fagard M., Chardon F, Dellagi A. (2017) Quantitative methods to assess differential susceptibility of Arabidopsis thaliana natural accessions to Dickeya dadantii. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 8:394. 6.
- Aznar A, Chen NW, Thomine S, Dellagi A. (2015) Immunity to plant pathogens and iron homeostasis. 240:90-7. 7. Aznar A. et Dellagi A. (2015) New insights into the role of siderophores as triggers of plant immunity: what can we learn from animals. J. Exp. Bot. 66:3001-10. 8.
- Aznar A, Patrit O, Berger A, Dellagi A (2015) Alterations of iron distribution in Arabidopsis tissues infected by Dickeya dadantii. Mol. Plant Pathol. 16:521-8.
- 2019 : Inventor Alia DELLAGI, Camille VERLY, Loïc RAJJOU, Frédéric Giraud, Marie-Emmanuelle SAINT MACARY, European Patent Office Current Assignee Staphyt Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture l’Alimentation et l’Environnement Institut des Sciences et Industries du Vivant et de l’Environnement AgroParisTech (INRAE and STAPHYT)
- “Phytopathologie”, Philippe Reignault, Ivan Sache, Mathias Choquer, Marie-France Corio-Costet, Alia DELLAGI, Frédéric Suffert (2023) Edition De Boeck Supérieur ISBN-13 : 9782807302884.
Outreach videos
Santé des Plantes société nationale d'horticulture de France.
Microbe mediated plant N nutrition Laboratoire LIED UPCité
Les relations plantes-microbes, des interactions à n’en plus finir avec Alia Dellagi