Publications et réalisations en accès libre :
Publications antérieures à 2006:
1. Masclaux-Daubresse C, Carrayol E, Valadier MH. 2005. The two nitrogen mobilisation- and senescence-associated GS1 and GDH genes are controlled by C and N metabolites. Planta 221, 580-588.
2. Feraud M, Masclaux-Daubresse C, Ferrario-Mery S, Pageau K, Lelandais M, Ziegler C, Leboeuf E, Jouglet T, Viret L, Spampinato A, Paganelli V, Ben Hammouda M, Suzuki A. 2005. Expression of a ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase gene in mesophyll and vascular cells and functions of the enzyme in ammonium assimilation in Nicotiana tabacum (L.). Planta 222, 667-677.
3. Diaz C, Purdy S, Christ A, Morot-Gaudry JF, Wingler A, Masclaux-Daubresse C. 2005. Characterization of markers to determine the extent and variability of leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. A metabolic profiling approach. Plant Physiology 138, 898-908.
4. Chaffei C, Pageau K, Suzuki A, Gouia H, Ghorbel MH, Masclaux-Daubresse C. 2004. Cadmium toxicity induced changes in nitrogen management in Lycopersicon esculentum leading to a metabolic safeguard through an amino acid storage strategy. Plant and Cell Physiology 45, 1681-1693.
5. Chaffei C, Gouia H, Masclaux C, Ghorbel MH. 2003. Reversibility effects of cadmium in growth and nitrogen metabolism in tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum). Comptes Rendus Biologies 326, 401-412.
6. Masclaux-Daubresse C, Valadier MH, Carrayol E, Reisdorf-Cren M, Hirel B. 2002. Diurnal changes in the expression of glutamate dehydrogenase and nitrate reductase are involved in the C/N balance of tobacco source leaves. Plant Cell and Environment 25, 1451-1462.
7. Ferrario-Mery S, Masclaux C, Suzuki A, Valadier MH, Hirel B, Foyer CH*. 2001. Glutamine and alpha-ketoglutarate are metabolite signals involved in nitrate reductase gene transcription in untransformed and transformed tobacco plants deficient in ferredoxin-glutamine-alpha-ketoglutarate aminotransferase. Planta 213, 265-271.
8. Masclaux C, Quillere I, Gallais A, Hirel B*. 2001. The challenge of remobilisation in plant nitrogen economy. A survey of physio-agronomic and molecular approaches. Annals of Applied Biology 138, 69-81.
9. Brouquisse R, Masclaux-Daubresse C, Feller U, Raymond P. 2001. Protein hydrolysis and nitrogen remobilisation in plant life and senescence. Plant Nitrogen: INRA Editions - Springer, 275-295.
10. Masclaux C, Valadier MH, Brugiere N, Morot-Gaudry JF, Hirel B. 2000. Characterization of the sink/source transition in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) shoots in relation to nitrogen management and leaf senescence. Planta 211, 510-518.
11. Brugière N, Dubois F, Masclaux C, Sangwan RS, Hirel B. 2000. Immunolocalization of glutamine synthetase in senescing tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaves suggests that ammonia assimilation is progressively shifted to the mesophyll cytosol. Planta 211, 519-527.
12. Lancien M, Ferrario-Mery S, Roux Y, Bismuth E, Masclaux C, Hirel B, Gadal P, Hodges M. 1999. Simultaneous expression of NAD-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase and other Krebs cycle genes after nitrate resupply to short-term nitrogen-starved tobacco. Plant Physiology 120, 717-725.
13. Masclaux C, HugouvieuxCottePattat N, Expert D. 1996a. Iron is a triggering factor for differential expression of Erwinia chrysanthemi strain 3937 pectate lyases in pathogenesis of African violets. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 9, 198-205.
14. Masclaux C, Expert D*. 1995. Signaling potential of iron in plant-microbe interactions - the pathogenic switch of iron transport in Erwinia chrysanthemi. Plant Journal 7, 121-128.
15. Expert D*, Enard C, Masclaux C. 1996. The role of iron in plant host-pathogen interactions. Trends in Microbiology 4, 232-237.
16. Masclaux C, HugouvieuxCottePattat N, Expert D. 1996. Differential expression of Erwinia chrysanthemi strain 3937 pectate lyases in pathogenesis of African violets: Importance of low iron environmental conditions. In: Visser J, Voragen AGJ, eds. Pectins and Pectinases, Vol. 14, 875-880
17. Mahe B, Masclaux C, Rauscher L, Enard C, Expert D. 1995. Differential expression of 2 siderophore-dependent iron-acquisition pathways in Erwinia-chrysanthemi-3937 - characterization of a novel ferrisiderophore permease of the abc transporter family. Molecular Microbiology 18, 33-43.
18. Lojkowska E, Masclaux C, Boccara M, Robertbaudouy J, Hugouvieuxcottepattat N. 1995. Characterization of the PEIL gene encoding a novel pectate lyase of Erwinia-chrysanthemi-3937. Molecular Microbiology 16, 1183-1195.