Équipes de recherche

Senescence, Autophagie, Recyclage Nutritionnel et Efficacité d'Utilisation de l'Azote

SATURNE 9 membres 120 Publications IJPB (2006-présent)

Publications IJPB (2006-présent) [120]
Filtrer par année :
Chopin F, Orsel M, Dorbe MF, Chardon F, Truong HN, Miller AJ, Krapp A, Daniel-Vedele F (2007). The Arabidopsis ATNRT2.7 nitrate transporter controls nitrate content in seeds. Plant Cell, 19:1590-1602. PubMed | DOI
Masclaux-Daubresse C, Purdy S, Lemaitre T, Pourtau N, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Wingler A (2007). Genetic variation suggests interaction between cold acclimation and metabolic regulation of leaf senescence. Plant Physiol, 143:434-446. PubMed | DOI
Diaz C, Saliba-Colombani V, Loudet O, Belluomo P, Moreau L, Daniel-Vedele F, Morot-Gaudry JF, Masclaux-Daubresse C (2006). Leaf yellowing and anthocyanin accumulation are two genetically independent strategies in response to nitrogen limitation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol, 47:74-83. PubMed | DOI
Schjoerring JK, Mack G, Nielsen KH, Husted S, Suzuki A, Driscoll S, Boldt R, Bauwe H (2006). Antisense reduction of serine hydroxymethyltransferase results in diurnal displacement of NH4+ assimilation in leaves of Solanum tuberosum. Plant J, 45:71-82. PubMed | DOI
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