Équipes de recherche

Signalisation, Transport et Utilisation de l'Azote

NUTS 16 membres

Publications à la une
Forzani C, Duarte GT, Van Leene J, Clément G, Huguet S, Paysant-Le Roux C, Mercier R, De Jaeger G, Leprince AS, Meyer C (2019). Mutations of the AtYAK1 Kinase Suppress TOR Deficiency in Arabidopsis. Cell Rep, 27:3696-3708 e3695. PubMed | DOI
Kiba T, Feria-Bourrellier AB, Lafouge F, Lezhneva L, Boutet S, Orsel M, Bréhaut V, Miller A, Daniel-Vedele F, Sakakibara H, Krapp A (2012). The Arabidopsis nitrate transporter NRT2.4 plays a double role in roots and shoots of nitrogen-starved plants. Plant Cell, 24:245-258. PubMed | DOI
Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolai M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C (2007). The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation. EMBO Rep, 8:864-870. PubMed | DOI
Toutes les publications (2006-présent)
Filtrer par année :
Wirth J, Chopin F, Santoni V, Viennois G, Tillard P, Krapp A, Lejay L, Daniel-Vedele F, Gojon A (2007). Regulation of root nitrate uptake at the NRT2.1 protein level in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Biol Chem, 282:23541-23552. PubMed | DOI
Calenge F, Saliba-Colombani V, Mahieu S, Loudet O, Daniel-Vedele F, Krapp A (2006). Natural variation for carbohydrate content in Arabidopsis. Interaction with complex traits dissected by quantitative genetics. Plant Physiol, 141:1630-1643. PubMed | DOI
Diaz C, Saliba-Colombani V, Loudet O, Belluomo P, Moreau L, Daniel-Vedele F, Morot-Gaudry JF, Masclaux-Daubresse C (2006). Leaf yellowing and anthocyanin accumulation are two genetically independent strategies in response to nitrogen limitation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol, 47:74-83. PubMed | DOI
Orsel M, Chopin F, Leleu O, Smith SJ, Krapp A, Daniel-Vedele F, Miller AJ (2006). Characterization of a two-component high-affinity nitrate uptake system in Arabidopsis. Physiology and protein-protein interaction. Plant Physiol, 142:1304-1317. PubMed | DOI
Krapp A, Truong HN (2006). Regulation of C/N Interaction in Model Plant Species. J Crop Improv, 15:127-173. DOI
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