Research teams

Nitrogen Use, Transport and Signaling

NUTS 16 members

Key publications
Forzani C, Duarte GT, Van Leene J, Clément G, Huguet S, Paysant-Le Roux C, Mercier R, De Jaeger G, Leprince AS, Meyer C (2019). Mutations of the AtYAK1 Kinase Suppress TOR Deficiency in Arabidopsis. Cell Rep, 27:3696-3708 e3695. PubMed | DOI
Kiba T, Feria-Bourrellier AB, Lafouge F, Lezhneva L, Boutet S, Orsel M, Bréhaut V, Miller A, Daniel-Vedele F, Sakakibara H, Krapp A (2012). The Arabidopsis nitrate transporter NRT2.4 plays a double role in roots and shoots of nitrogen-starved plants. Plant Cell, 24:245-258. PubMed | DOI
Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolai M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C (2007). The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation. EMBO Rep, 8:864-870. PubMed | DOI
All publications (2006-to date)
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Guérin A, Levasseur C, Herger A, Renggli D, Sotiropoulos AG, Kadler G, Hou X, Schaufelberger M, Meyer C, Wicker T, Bigler L, Ringli C (2024). Histidine limitation alters plant development and influences the TOR network. J Exp Bot, erae479. PubMed | DOI
Regnard S, Otani M, Keruzore M, Teinturier A, Blondel M, Kawakami N, Krapp A, Colcombet J (2024). The MKK3 module integrates nitrate and light signals to modulate secondary dormancy in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 121(40):e2403646121. PubMed | DOI
D'Alessandro S, Velay F, Lebrun R, Zafirov D, Mehrez M, Romand S, Saadouni R, Forzani C, Citerne S, Montane MH, Robaglia C, Menand B, Meyer C, Field B (2024). Posttranslational regulation of photosynthetic activity via the TOR kinase in plants. Sci Adv, 10(25):eadj3268. PubMed | DOI
González Ortega-Villaizán A, King E, Patel MK, Pérez-Alonso MM, Scholz SS, Sakakibara H, Kiba T, Kojima M, Takebayashi Y, Ramos P, Morales-Quintana L, Breitenbach S, Smolko A, Salopek-Sondi B, Bauer N, Ludwig-Müller J, Krapp A, Oelmüller R, Vicente-Carbajosa J, Pollmann S (2024). The endophytic fungus Serendipita indica affects auxin distribution in Arabidopsis thaliana roots through alteration of auxin transport and conjugation to promote plant growth. Plant Cell Environ, doi: 10.1111/pce.14989. PubMed | DOI
Artins A, Martins MCM, Meyer C, Fernie AR, Caldana C (2024). Sensing and regulation of C and N metabolism - novel features and mechanisms of the TOR and SnRK1 signaling pathways. Plant J, doi: 10.1111/tpj.16684. PubMed | DOI
Svietlova N, Reichelt M, Zhyr L, Majumder A, Scholz SS, Grabe V, Krapp A, Oelmüller R, Mithofer A (2023). The Beneficial Fungus Mortierella hyalina Modulates Amino Acid Homeostasis in Arabidopsis under Nitrogen Starvation. Int J Mol Sci, 24(22):16128. PubMed | DOI
Scholz SS, Barth E, Clément G, Marmagne A, Ludwig-Müller J, Sakakibara H, Kiba T, Vicente-Carbajosa J, Pollmann S, Krapp A, Oelmüller R (2023). The Root-Colonizing Endophyte Piriformospora indica Supports Nitrogen-Starved Arabidopsis thaliana Seedlings with Nitrogen Metabolites. Int J Mol Sci, 24(20):15372. PubMed | DOI
Voronezhskaya V, Volkova PY, Bitarishvili SV, Shesterikova E, Podlutskii M, Clément G, Meyer C, Turqueto Duarte G, Kudin M, Garbaruk D, Turchin L, Kazakova EA (2023). Multi-Omics Analysis of Vicia cracca Responses to Chronic Radiation Exposure in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Plants, 12(12):2318. PubMed | DOI
Cheng YH, Durand M, Bréhaut V, Hsu FC, Kelemen Z, Texier Y, Krapp A, Tsay YF (2023). Interplay Between NIN-LIKE PROTEINs 6 and 7 in Nitrate Signaling. Plant Physiol, kiad242. PubMed | DOI
PlantACT [...], Chardon F, Krapp A (2023). PlantACT! - how to tackle the climate crisis. Trends Plant Sci, S1360-1385(23)00024-9. PubMed | DOI
Kunkowska AB, Fontana F, Betti F, Soeur R, Beckers GJM, Meyer C, De Jaeger G, Weits DA, Loreti E, Perata P (2023). Target of rapamycin signaling couples energy to oxygen sensing to modulate hypoxic gene expression in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci,120(3):e2212474120. PubMed | DOI
Burgess AJ, Masclaux-Daubresse C, Strittmatter G, Weber APM, Taylor SH, Harbinson J, Yin X, Long S, Paul MJ, Westhoff P, Loreto F, Ceriotti A, Saltenis VLR, Pribil M, Nacry P, Scharff LB, Jensen PE, Muller B, Cohan JP, Foulkes J, Rogowsky PM, Debaeke P, Meyer C, Nelissen H, Inzé D, Lankhorst RK, Parry MAJ, Murchie EH, Baekelandt A (2022). Improving crop yield potential: Underlying biological processes and future prospects. Food Energy Secur, 12(1):e435. PubMed | DOI
Abualia R, Ötvös K, Novák O, Bouguyon E, Domanegg K, Krapp A, Nacry P, Gojon A, Lacombe B, Benková E (2022). Molecular framework integrating nitrate sensing in root and auxin-guided shoot adaptive responses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 119(31):e2122460119. PubMed | DOI
Dong Y, Aref R, Forieri I, Schiel D, Leemhuis W, Meyer C, Hell R, Wirtz M (2022). The plant TOR kinase tunes autophagy and meristem activity for nutrient stress-induced developmental plasticity. Plant Cell, 34(10):3814-3829. PubMed | DOI
Pérez-Alonso MM, Guerrero-Galán C, González Ortega-Villaizán A, Ortiz-García P, Scholz SS, Ramos P, Sakakibara H, Kiba T, Ludwig-Müller J, Krapp A, Oelmüller R, Vicente-Carbajosa J, Pollmann S (2022). The calcium sensor CBL7 is required for Serendipita indica-induced growth stimulation in Arabidopsis thaliana, controlling defense against the endophyte and K(+) homoeostasis in the symbiosis. Plant Cell Environ. PubMed | DOI
Gojon A, Nussaume L, Luu DT, Murchie EH, Baekelandt A, Saltenis VLR, Cohan JP, Desnos T, Inzé D, Ferguson JN, Guiderdoni E, Krapp A, Lankhorst RK, Maurel C, Rouached H, Parry MA, Pribil M, Scharff LB, Nacry P (2022). Approaches and determinants to sustainably improve crop production. Food Energy Secur, 00:e369. DOI
Riegler S, Servi L, Scarpin MR, Godoy Herz MA, Kubaczka MG, Venhuizen P, Meyer C, Brunkard JO, Kalyna M, Barta A, Petrillo E (2021). Light regulates alternative splicing outcomes via the TOR kinase pathway. Cell Rep, 36(10):109676. PubMed | DOI
Alvarez JM, Schinke AL, Brooks MD, Pasquino A, Leonelli L, Varala K, Safi A, Krouk G, Krapp A, Coruzzi GM (2020). Transient genome-wide interactions of the master transcription factor NLP7 initiate a rapid nitrogen-response cascade. Nat Commun, 11:1157. PubMed | DOI
Belda-Palazón B, Adamo M, Valerio C, Ferreira LJ, Confraria A, Reis-Barata D, Rodrigues A, Meyer C, Rodriguez PL, Baena-González E (2020). A dual function of SnRK2 kinases in the regulation of SnRK1 and plant growth. Nat Plants, 6(11):1345-1353. PubMed | DOI
Pérez-Alonso MM, Guerrero-Galán C, Scholz SS, Kiba T, Sakakibara H, Ludwig-Müller J, Krapp A, Oelmüller R, Vicente-Carbajosa J, Pollmann S (2020). Harnessing symbiotic plant-fungus interactions to unleash hidden forces from extreme plant ecosystems. J Exp Bot, 71:3865-3877. PubMed | DOI
Sozen C, Schenk ST, Boudsocq M, Chardin C, Almeida-Trapp M, Krapp A, Hirt H, Mithofer A, Colcombet J (2020). Wounding and Insect Feeding Trigger Two Independent MAPK Pathways with Distinct Regulation and Kinetics. Plant Cell, 32:1988-2003. PubMed | DOI
Forzani C, Duarte GT, Van Leene J, Clément G, Huguet S, Paysant-Le Roux C, Mercier R, De Jaeger G, Leprince AS, Meyer C (2019). Mutations of the AtYAK1 Kinase Suppress TOR Deficiency in Arabidopsis. Cell Rep, 27:3696-3708 e3695. PubMed | DOI
Olas JJ, Van Dingenen J, Abel C, Dzialo MA, Feil R, Krapp A, Schlereth A, Wahl V (2019). Nitrate acts at the Arabidopsis thaliana shoot apical meristem to regulate flowering time. New Phytol, 223:814-827. PubMed | DOI
Duermeyer L, Khodapanahi E, Yan D, Krapp A, Rothstein SJ, Nambara E (2018). Regulation of seed dormancy and germination by nitrate. Seed Science Research, 28:150-157. PubMed | DOI
Milcu A, Puga-Freitas R, Ellison AM, Blouin M, Scheu S, Freschet GT, Rose L, Barot S, Cesarz S, Eisenhauer N, Girin T, Assandri D, Bonkowski M, Buchmann N, Butenschoen O, Devidal S, Gleixner G, Gessler A, Gigon A, Greiner A, Grignani C, Hansart A, Kayler Z, Lange M, Lata JC, Le Galliard JF, Lukac M, Mannerheim N, Muller MEH, Pando A, Rotter P, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Seyhun R, Urban-Mead K, Weigelt A, Zavattaro L, Roy J (2018). Genotypic variability enhances the reproducibility of an ecological study. Nat Ecol Evol, 2:279-287. PubMed | DOI
Al Hafi M, El Beyrouthy M, Ouaini N, Stien D, Rutledge D, Chaillou S (2017). Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Satureja, Thymus, and Thymbra Species Grown in Lebanon. Chem Biodivers, 14:e1600236. PubMed | DOI
Dobrenel T, Caldana C, Hanson J, Robaglia C, Vincentz M, Veit B, Meyer C (2016). TOR Signaling and Nutrient Sensing. Annu Rev Plant Biol, 67:261-285. PubMed | DOI
Dobrenel T, Mancera-Martinez E, Forzani C, Azzopardi M, Davanture M, Moreau M, Schepetilnikov M, Chicher J, Langella O, Zivy M, Robaglia C, Ryabova LA, Hanson J, Meyer C (2016). The Arabidopsis TOR Kinase Specifically Regulates the Expression of Nuclear Genes Coding for Plastidic Ribosomal Proteins and the Phosphorylation of the Cytosolic Ribosomal Protein S6. Front Plant Sci, 7:1611. PubMed | DOI
Yan D, Easwaran V, Chau V, Okamoto M, Ierullo M, Kimura M, Endo A, Yano R, Pasha A, Gong Y, Bi YM, Provart N, Guttman D, Krapp A, Rothstein SJ, Nambara E (2016). NIN-like protein 8 is a master regulator of nitrate-promoted seed germination in Arabidopsis. Nat Commun, 7:13179. PubMed | DOI
Zgheib R, Chaillou S, Ouaini N, Kassouf A, Rutledge D, El Azzi D, El Beyrouthy M (2016). Chemometric Tools to Highlight the Variability of the Chemical Composition and Yield of Lebanese Origanum syriacum L. Essential Oil. Chem Biodivers, 13:1326-1347. PubMed | DOI
Zhang Z, Zhu JY, Roh J, Marchive C, Kim SK, Meyer C, Sun Y, Wang W, Wang ZY (2016). TOR Signaling Promotes Accumulation of BZR1 to Balance Growth with Carbon Availability in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol, 26:1854-1860. PubMed | DOI
Hummel M, Dobrenel T, Cordewener JJ, Davanture M, Meyer C, Smeekens SJ, Bailey-Serres J, America TA, Hanson J (2015). Proteomic LC-MS analysis of Arabidopsis cytosolic ribosomes: Identification of ribosomal protein paralogs and re-annotation of the ribosomal protein genes. J Proteomics, 128:436-449. PubMed | DOI
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