
Kalina T HAAS Chargée de recherche

Paroi Primaire

•       W Boerjan, V Burlat, DJ Cosgrove, C Dunand… The Cell Surface, 2024 Top five unanswered questions in plant cell surface research (in alphabetic order)
•       S Moussu*, HK Lee*, KT Haas, C Broyart, U Rathgeb, D De Bellis, ... H Höfte & J Santiago. Plant cell wall patterning and expansion mediated by protein-peptide_polysaccharide interaction.  Science (2023) 382 (6671), 719-725
•       K. T. Haas, R. Wightman, A. Peaucelle, H. Höfte, Phase separation in Plant cell walls. Cell Surface (2021) •       E Ouni, KT Haas, A Peaucelle, OVa. Kerk1, MM Dolmans, T Tuuri, M Otala, CA Amorim, Proteome-wide and matrisome-specific atlas of the human ovary computes fertility biomarker candidates and open the way for precision oncofertility . Matrix Biology, Manuscript Accepted
•       K.T. Haas#, M.W. Fries, A.R. Venkitaraman, A. Esposito. Single-Cell Biochemical Multiplexing by Multidimensional Phasor Demixing and Spectral Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy. Frontiers in Physics 9, (2021)
•       E. Ouni, A. Peaucelle, K. T. Haas, O. Van Kerk, Marie-Madeleine Dolmans, T. Tuuri, D. Vertommen, C. A. Amorim. A blueprint of the topology and mechanics of the human ovary for next-generation bioengineering and diagnosis. Nature Communications 12, (2021)
•       E Ouni, KT Haas, A Peaucelle, OVa. Kerk1, MM Dolmans, T Tuuri, M Otala, CA Amorim, P–699 Multi-scale study of the architecture, topography and mechanics of the human ovary from prepuberty to menopause: a blueprint for next-generation bioengineering and diagnosis, Human Reproduction 36, (2021)
•       D. E. Scott, N. J. Francis-Newton, …, K. T. Haas, …, A. R. Venkitaraman, C. Abell. A small-molecule inhibitor of the BRCA2-RAD51 interaction modulates RAD51 assembly and potentiates DNA damage-induced cell death. Cell Chemical Biology, (2021)
•       K. T. Haas & A. Peaucelle. From monocots to dicots: the multifold aspect of cell wall expansion. Journal of Experimental Botany  2021.
•       K. T. Haas#, A. Peaucelle. Protocol for multicolor three-dimensional dSTORM data analysis using MATLAB-based script package Grafeo. STAR protocols (2021)
•       K. T. Haas#, R.Wightman, E. M. Meyerowitz & A. Peaucelle#. Pectin homogalacturonan nanofilament expansion drives morphogenesis in plant epidermal cells. Science (2020)
•       A.Peaucelle, R. Wightman & K. T. Haas#. Multicolor 3D-dSTORM reveals native-state ultrastructure of polysaccharides’ network during plant cell wall assembly. iScience (2020)
•       K.T. Haas#, M. Rivière, R.Wightman & A.Peaucelle#. Multitarget Immunohistochemistry for confocal and super-resolution imaging of plant cell wall Polysaccharides. Bio-Protocols (2020)
•       K.T. Haas, MiYoung Lee, A. R. Ventikaraman & A. Esposito. Single-molecule localization microscopy reveals molecular transactions during RAD51 filament assembly at cellular DNA damage sites. Nucleic Acids Research (2018).
•       K. T. Haas, M. Letellier, B. Compans, T. Bartol, D. Choquet, O. Thoumine & E. Hosy. Pre-post synaptic alignment through neuroligin-1 tunes synaptic transmission efficiency. ELife (2018)
•       M. Popleteva, K. T. Haas, D. Stoppa, A. R. Ventikaraman & A. Esposito. Fast and simple spectral FLIM for biochemical and medical imaging. Optics Express (2015)
•       K. T. Haas, T. Kazimierczuk, P.Wojnar, P. Kossacki. Control of Local Electric Fields Influencing the Photoluminescence of an Individual CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Dot. Acta Physica Polonica (2009) # corresponding author(s)