
Liudmila CHELYSHEVA Ingénieure de recherche

Facteurs de Transcription et Architecture

Publications IJPB (2006-présent) [29]
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Yang C, Sofroni K, Wijnker E, Hamamura Y, Carstens L, Harashima H, Stolze SC, Vezon D, Chelysheva L, Orban-Nemeth Z, Pochon G, Nakagami H, Schlögelhofer P, Grelon M, Schnittger A (2020). The Arabidopsis Cdk1/Cdk2 homolog CDKA;1 controls chromosome axis assembly during plant meiosis. EMBO J, 39:e101625. PubMed | DOI
Chambon A, West A, Vezon D, Horlow C, De Muyt A, Chelysheva L, Ronceret A, Darbyshire A, Osman K, Heckmann S, Franklin FCH, Grelon M (2018). Identification of ASYNAPTIC4, a Component of the Meiotic Chromosome Axis. Plant Physiol, 178:233-246. PubMed | DOI
Rosspopoff O, Chelysheva L, Saffar J, Lecorgne L, Gey D, Caillieux E, Colot V, Roudier F, Hilson P, Berthomé R, Da Costa M, Rech P (2017). Direct conversion of root primordium into shoot meristem relies on timing of stem cell niche development. Development, 144:1187-1200. PubMed | DOI
Crismani W, Girard C, Froger N, Pradillo M, Santos JL, Chelysheva L, Copenhaver GP, Horlow C, Mercier R (2012). FANCM limits meiotic crossovers. Science, 336:1588-1590. PubMed | DOI
Yelina NE, Choi K, Chelysheva L, Macaulay M, De Snoo B, Wijnker E, Miller N, Drouaud J, Grelon M, Copenhaver GP, Mézard C, Kelly KA, Henderson IR (2012). Epigenetic remodeling of meiotic crossover frequency in Arabidopsis thaliana DNA methyltransferase mutants. PLoS Genet, 8:e1002844. PubMed | DOI
Leflon M, Grandont L, Eber F, Huteau V, Coriton O, Chelysheva L, Jenczewski E, Chevre AM (2010). Crossovers get a boost in Brassica allotriploid and allotetraploid hybrids. Plant Cell, 22:2253-2264. PubMed | DOI
Nicolas SD, Leflon M, Liu Z, Eber F, Chelysheva L, Coriton O, Chevre AM, Jenczewski E (2008). Chromosome 'speed dating' during meiosis of polyploid Brassica hybrids and haploids. Cytogenet Genome Res, 120:331-338. PubMed | DOI
Vignard J, Siwiec T, Chelysheva L, Vrielynck N, Gonord F, Armstrong SJ, Schlögelhofer P, Mercier R (2007). The interplay of RecA-related proteins and the MND1-HOP2 complex during meiosis in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genet, 3:1894-1906. PubMed | DOI
Leflon M, Eber F, Letanneur JC, Chelysheva L, Coriton O, Huteau V, Ryder CD, Barker G, Jenczewski E, Chevre AM (2006). Pairing and recombination at meiosis of Brassica rapa (AA) x Brassica napus (AACC) hybrids. Theor Appl Genet, 113:1467-1480. PubMed | DOI
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