Bilateral Closure Symposium of GDRI "Integrative Plant Biology Network"
23th-25th october, 2017 - Lyon, France

This network gathering French and Japanese laboratories, working in the field of plant biology,organized and supported bitateral actions from 2014 to 2017.
Scientific Committee:
Thierry GAUDE (ENS de Lyon), Gwyneth INGRAM (ENS de Lyon, France), Loïc LEPINIEC (IJPB, INRA, Versailles), Annie MARION-POLL (IJPB, INRA, Versailles), Laurent NUSSAUME (BIAM, CEA, Cadarache), Akira SUZUKI (IJPB, INRA, Versailles), Mitsunori SEO (RIKEN, Yokohama, Japan), Hidehiro FUKAKI (Kobe University, Kobe, Japan), Kohki YOSHIMOTO (Meiji University, Kawasaki, Japan), Kimitsune ISHIZAKI (Kobe University, Kobe, Japan).
