
Training and teaching: two important tasks of the IJPB
Teaching and training activities are important tasks of the IJPB, as we are an UMR affiliated to
AgroParisTech and part of the '14' entities of Université Paris-Saclay. Most of the IJPB staff are enrolled in the Paris-Saclay graduate schools Biosphera,
Life Sciences and Health and Chemistry. The SPS-GSR project also supports teaching and training.

Training through Research
IJPB is training a large number of undergraduate students including apprentices, Bachelors, Master students (40-60/year with over 20% foreigners) as well as welcoming schoolchildren (age 14-15) for discovery stays of 3-5 days (30-40/year).

About 10 PhD students (40% foreigners) are joining IJPB every year for a doctoral degree and are enrolled in mainly 3 doctoral schools within Paris-Saclay:
> Plant Sciences, from gene to ecosystems (SEVE, ED567)
> Agriculture, Alimentation, Biologie, Environnement et Santé (ABIES, ED581)
> Structure and Dynamic of living systems (SDSV, ED577)

IJPB is committed to PhD success within 3 years, with careful and specific mentoring including external refering committees, dedicated training seminar series, etc.

IJPB organised very successful summer schools in recent years, on different topics including “Next generation seeds: green factories and time capsules”, “Plant epigenetics and epigenomics”, “Plant Metabolism”, “Plant cell walls in development, plant-microbe interaction and for the bioeconomy” and “Ligno-Cellulosic Bio-refineries”.

IJPB is also involved in European Training Networks covering several topics, including plant nutrition (BIONUT), leaf senescence (CropLife), epigenetic gene regulation (EpiTRAITS), meiosis research (COMREC, MEICOM), and biological and chemical engineering for a sustainable Bioeconomy 
(EMJMD Bioceb).

Teaching takes place mostly within
Paris-Saclay Graduate schools that have specific Masters programs: Integrative Biology and Physiology (Mention BIP), Biology and Health (Mention BS) and the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Bioceb (EMJMD Bioceb).

In particular the Mention BIP harbors a specific Master track dedicated to Plant sciences with Master-1 (
BIPV) and Master-2 (Plant Sciences) programs. AgroParisTech also provides specific Engineering specialisations like BIOTECH, Production and innovation in the plant technical systems (PIST), Plant protection and environment (PPE). Through the EMJMD Bioceb, the IJPB contributes also to the training of international students of excellence in biological and chemical engineering for a sustainable Bioeconomy.

The IJPB hosts assistant-professors and professors from AgroParisTech, Sorbonne Université, Université Versailles Saint-Quentin, involved in the coordination and organisation of undergraduate student courses (Master & Engineer students), covering different aspects of plant biology, including functional genomics, integrative biology and physiology, seed biology, production and industrial use of plant products. 

On-site Training
At IJPB, a dedicated, state-of-the-art, fully-equipped teaching facility is implemented that includes a classroom and a large practical class laboratory. The facility is used for Engineers and Master tracks programs for instance in plant physiology and pathology, biochemistry and cell biology and imaging as well as bioinformatic classes for data mining and modelisation. The teaching facility is integrated within the Plant Observatory platform (PO-Cytology and PO-Biochemistry platforms), allowing exciting opportunities for students to have direct access to the latest technological developments and instruments !