Innovation in the field of bioeconomy
15 millions Euros project optimizes value chains for miscanthus and hemp
The European project GRACE "GRowing Advanced industrial Crops on marginal lands for biorEfineries" gathers 22 partners including two INRA Versailles IJPB teams "Primary Cell Wall " and "Lignocellulosic Biopolymers: from Cell Wall Assemblies to Synthons for Green Chemistry". This project covers science, agriculture, and industry / new varieties, cultivation on unused areas, biomass value chains, life cycle assessment, and knowledge transfer. This project includes two INRA Versailles IJPB teams "Primary Cell Wall " and "Lignocellulosic Biopolymers: from Cell Wall Assemblies to Synthons for Green Chemistry.
GRACE was initiates at the begining of June 2017 for 5 years (up to 31/05/22).
in particular, varieties of miscanthus are curenttly tested at IJPB for biomass production one of the 21 localisations for testing in Europe.
More information:
Press release, Université d'Hohenheim, Allemagne
Herman Höfte (01 30 83 36 93)
Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin (Inra, AgroParisTech, ELR CNRS)

Miscanthus trial, INRA, Versailles