Symposium IJPB 2018
March 19-20th 2018, INRA, Versailles, France

The First Symposium IJPB will offer a chance to listen to some of the best research developed at IJPB (but only a fraction of it!) with talks from David Bouchez, Nicolas Arnaud, Hervé Vaucheret, José Jiménez-Gómez, Raphaël Mercier, Enrico Magnani, Helen North, Stéphanie Baumberger, Bertrand Hirel.
As well as talks from prestigious external invited speakers:
Thomas Greb (Heidelberg University, Germany)
Claudia Köhler (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden)
Gwyneth Ingram (ENS Lyon, France)
Yves Van de Peer (Ghent University, Belgium)
Jonathan Jones (Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich, United Kingdom)
Anne Krapp et Olivier Loudet


Scientific Committee : Nicolas Bouché, Jasmine Burguet, Sylvie Dinant, Jean-Denis Faure, Martine Gonneau, Herman Höfte, Anne Krapp, Patrick Laufs, Loïc Lepiniec, Olivier Loudet, Céline Masclaux-Daubresse, Raphaël Mercier, Christian Meyer, Helen North et Jean-Christophe Palauqui
Organizing Committee : Corine Enard (Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin (IJPB), Versailles), Maria-Jesus Lacruz (IJPB, Versailles), Philippe Poré (INRA, Versailles) et Stéphane Raude (IJPB, Versailles)
Contact and more information: Symposium IJPB 2018 website
Organizing Committee : Corine Enard (Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin (IJPB), Versailles), Maria-Jesus Lacruz (IJPB, Versailles), Philippe Poré (INRA, Versailles) et Stéphane Raude (IJPB, Versailles)
Contact and more information: Symposium IJPB 2018 website