The INRAE scientific council visits the Phenoscope
During its meeting on the INRAE site of Versailles
On September 22 and 23, 2021, the INRAE Scientific Council met at the Versailles site. Olivier Loudet, Scientific Director of the IJPB and head of the VAST team, specializing in biodiversity, presented the Phenoscope, a state-of-the-art robot for studying the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana under highly controlled conditions. It was designed by researchers from the Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin to perform experiments and observe plants on a large scale.
Discover the Phenoscope during a virtual visit
The members of the INRAE Scientific Council also visited the 42 soil study plots, the oldest of the INRAE trials dating from 1928.
They also participated in an exchange with Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly on the olfactory receptors of insects (INRAE Research Director, Sensory Ecology, iEES Paris).
The INRAE Scientific Council is composed of 36 members (14 substitutes), a mandate is for 5 years.
Discover the Phenoscope during a virtual visit
The members of the INRAE Scientific Council also visited the 42 soil study plots, the oldest of the INRAE trials dating from 1928.
They also participated in an exchange with Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly on the olfactory receptors of insects (INRAE Research Director, Sensory Ecology, iEES Paris).
The INRAE Scientific Council is composed of 36 members (14 substitutes), a mandate is for 5 years.