I studied at the Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II in Morocco. During my fifth year, I went on exchange for one year at the University of Liège-Gembloux Agro-bio Tech. In 2021, I did an internship in the Plant Genetics laboratory of the University of Liege for 7 months, where I worked on the evaluation of wheat performance under different ammonium nutritional regimes in the field and on the investigation of a candidate gene associated with ammonium use efficiency in wheat and Arabidopsis thaliana. I continued my studies in the M2 Plant Sciences research program at the Université Paris-Saclay. In 2022, I did my M2 internship under the supervision of Alexandre de SAINT GERMAIN and Catherine RAMEAU at IJPB in the team Allelopathic Signaling and Strigolactone (SAS). During this internship, I worked with Zeyun XUE on the identification of the genetic basis of plant-plant interactions at the rhizosphere level by GWAS approaches. Today, I am doing my thesis with the same team to understand the genetics and molecular basis of plant-plant interactions. I am working under the supervision of Alexandre de SAINT GERMAIN and Sophie JASINSKI. I combine analytical chemistry approaches with genomic and genetic approaches to identify new allelopathic compounds.

Strigolactones and Allelochemicals SignalingEmail : oumayma.mhamdi@inrae.fr