Art and Science : Exhibition "Perception(s) of research"
Come and immerse yourself in this photo exhibition with sounds and scents and discover the world of research in the IJPB, IEES & ECOSYS units of the INRAE site in Versailles (IdF Center - Versailles-Grignon).
The daily life of this place of experimentation and production of knowledge is restrituted through the sensible.
This exhibition, which will become a travelling exhibition, is the result of the "PerceptionS de la Recherche" project, with La "La Diagonale Paris-Saclay", in partnership with " La Commanderie", Elancourt, community of Saint Quentin en Yvelines and the Master 1 "Chimie et science du vivant", parcours « Formulation, Evaluation Sensorielle et Analyse des industries de la Parfumerie, de la Cosmétique et de l'Aromatique alimentaire » (FESAPCA) of the École Supérieure du Parfum/ the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines UVSQ.
Perfumes: FESAPC students
Sound: Olivier Dizet (sound engineer)
Photos : Dan Ramaën (photographer)
A first photo exhibition took place in 2020 during the "Fête de la science", see news item "Art and Sciences: IJPB Greenhouses under the artistic eye of the photographer Dan Ramaën", the situation not having allowed to go to the end of the project this first year.
Project leader and coordinator of the exhibition: Marine Froissard, IJPB, DIPOL team
Inauguration of the exhibition, Marine Froissard et Dan Ramaën
Olivier Dizet, soundtrack of 30 min, captures in situ, INRAE, Versailles
Perfume : Camelina (a model plant at IJPB), "Green house", "Earth", "Lab", Green/Stem (Vert/Tige).... ?, creations of the students of Master 1 UVSQ
Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), seedlings and semis et models of developping leaves (3D prints)

La commanderie
Route de Dampierre – CD 58
78990 Elancourt
Info and reservation:
Site de la Commanderie
01 39 44 54 00
Will be a travelling exhibition thereafter