Scientific day "Plants in real time"
MIV plant 2021
scientific day
3D print
In videoconference: on June 11, 2021, the imaging platform of the Institut Jean-pierre Bourgin (INRAE - Versailles) and the Plant Imaging working group of the GDR Imabio invite you to a scientific day.
This day will focus on different time-lapse acquisition modalities.
Speakers specialized in this theme will present original techniques on commercial
techniques on commercial microscopes (confocal, spinning disk, macroscope...), but also on different
on different home-made acquisition systems (epifluorescence microscope, Phenoscope...).
A particular focus will be made on the development of microfluidic setups and the use of
of 3D printing associated with microscopy.
Registration by email to the local organizing committee IJPB up to 10th June 2021:
Katia Belcram, Bertrand Dubreucq ou Lionel Gissot
You will then receive the link to participate in this remote day.
Speakers specialized in this theme will present original techniques on commercial
techniques on commercial microscopes (confocal, spinning disk, macroscope...), but also on different
on different home-made acquisition systems (epifluorescence microscope, Phenoscope...).
A particular focus will be made on the development of microfluidic setups and the use of
of 3D printing associated with microscopy.
Registration by email to the local organizing committee IJPB up to 10th June 2021:
Katia Belcram, Bertrand Dubreucq ou Lionel Gissot
You will then receive the link to participate in this remote day.
