The PO-Cytology/Imaging gathers a unique ensemble of expertise and instruments dedicated to the cytology and microscopy of plant cells and tissues.
Biological Question
The PO-Cytology/Imaging platform is organized into five workshops:
> Cytogenetics
> In situ hybridization
> Immunocytochemistry
> Microscopy
> Laser microdissection
Each workshop is under the responsibility of a specialized permanent staff, who organizes the service, welcomes and trains internal and external users, prioritizes and and anticipates technological developments. All imaging and cytology techniques are developed on a large number of plant species, including A. thaliana, Brachypodium, camelina, tomato and maize.
Models, tools and methods
The PO-Cytology/Imaging is housed in a building of 1,000 m2 (B14) and involves 8 permanent staff members. It hosts all cell imaging activities and equipment necessary for research conducted by the IJPB teams, their partners and external requests. Recently, it acquired two high-resolution microscopes: a 3D STORM-2 photon-FLIM (fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, €980k, ERC STORMtheWALL funding), unique in France, and a Leica Stellaris 8 STED-FLIM (€670k, funded by Sesame, SPS, CNOC, IBiSA, and INRAE), the third of its kind in France.
Societal and economical impacts
The PO-Cytology/Imaging is a top-ranking regional micxroscopy facility and the leader in France in plant biology. It has pioneered the development of new techniques for plant studies, especially in living cells (e.g. live meristem imaging, protein interactions using fluorescence anisotropy techniques in plants). It currently has over 100 regular users and belongs to the French National Research Infrastructure for Biological Imaging France-BioImaging.
Every year, staff take part in practical courses for AgroParisTech Master’s students led by Jean-Denis Faure and Sabine D'Andrea from the DIPOL team (15 days per year).
More details at this link.
The PO-Cytology/Imaging platform is organized into five workshops:
> Cytogenetics
> In situ hybridization
> Immunocytochemistry
> Microscopy
> Laser microdissection
Each workshop is under the responsibility of a specialized permanent staff, who organizes the service, welcomes and trains internal and external users, prioritizes and and anticipates technological developments. All imaging and cytology techniques are developed on a large number of plant species, including A. thaliana, Brachypodium, camelina, tomato and maize.
Models, tools and methods
The PO-Cytology/Imaging is housed in a building of 1,000 m2 (B14) and involves 8 permanent staff members. It hosts all cell imaging activities and equipment necessary for research conducted by the IJPB teams, their partners and external requests. Recently, it acquired two high-resolution microscopes: a 3D STORM-2 photon-FLIM (fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, €980k, ERC STORMtheWALL funding), unique in France, and a Leica Stellaris 8 STED-FLIM (€670k, funded by Sesame, SPS, CNOC, IBiSA, and INRAE), the third of its kind in France.
Societal and economical impacts
The PO-Cytology/Imaging is a top-ranking regional micxroscopy facility and the leader in France in plant biology. It has pioneered the development of new techniques for plant studies, especially in living cells (e.g. live meristem imaging, protein interactions using fluorescence anisotropy techniques in plants). It currently has over 100 regular users and belongs to the French National Research Infrastructure for Biological Imaging France-BioImaging.
Every year, staff take part in practical courses for AgroParisTech Master’s students led by Jean-Denis Faure and Sabine D'Andrea from the DIPOL team (15 days per year).
More details at this link.