
The Arabidopsis Target of Rapamycin kinase regulates ammonium assimilation and glutamine metabolism

NUTS, SATURNE and PO-Chem teams article published in Plant Physiology

In eukaryotes, a target of rapamycin (TOR) is a well-conserved kinase that controls cell metabolism and growth in response to nutrients and environmental factors. Nitrogen (N) is an essential element for plants, and TOR functions as a crucial N and amino acid sensor in animals and yeast. However, knowledge of the connections between TOR and the overall N metabolism and assimilation in plants is still limited. In this study, Research Scientist from NUTS and SATURNE teams and of the plateform PO-Chem investigated the regulation of TOR in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) by the N source as well as the impact of TOR deficiency on N metabolism. Inhibition of TOR globally decreased ammonium uptake while triggering a massive accumulation of amino acids, such as glutamine (Gln), but also of polyamines. Consistently, TOR complex mutants were hypersensitive to Gln. We also showed that the glutamine synthetase inhibitor glufosinate abolishes Gln accumulation resulting from TOR inhibition and improves the growth of TOR complex mutants. These results suggest that a high level of Gln contributes to the reduction in plant growth resulting from TOR inhibition. Glutamine synthetase activity was reduced by TOR inhibition while the enzyme amount increased. In conclusion, these findings show that the TOR pathway is intimately connected to N metabolism and that a decrease in TOR activity results in glutamine synthetase-dependent Gln and amino acid accumulation.

The Arabidopsis Target of Rapamycin kinase regulates ammonium assimilation and glutamine metabolism


TOR is a regulatory factor for nitrogen metabolism in plants.
2-OG: 2-Oxoglutarate, GOGAT: Glutamine OxoGlutarate AminoTransferase,
NH4+: ammonium, GDH: Glutamate Dehydrogenase, GS: Glutamine Synthetase, AA: Amino Acid, Asn: asparagine

Ingagiola C, Jéhanno I, Forzani C, Marmagne A, Broutin J, Clément G, Leprince AS, Meyer C. (2023).
The Arabidopsis Target of Rapamycin kinase regulates ammonium assimilation and glutamine metabolism.Plant Physiol. 92

NUTS: "Nitrogen Use, Transport and Signaling",
SATURNE: "Senescence, Autophagy, Nutrient Recycling and Nitrogen Use Efficiency " et
PO-Chem: " The Plant Observatory - Chemistry/Metabolism" de l'OV