Vincent Coustham INRAE research scientist joins the VarEpi team
Topic: Contribution of epigenetic variability to phenotypic plasticity
Vincent Coustham new member of the "Epigenetic Natural Variation " VarEpi team, will explore the contribution of inter-individual epigenetic variability to environmental response. Indeed, high inter-individual variability in DNA methylation levels has been observed in a fraction of the genome, and this could contribute to phenotypic plasticity. In order to study the existence and function of epivariable regions in plants, I am developing multi-omics approaches (ONT methylome, transcriptome, Hi-C...) on tomato and Arabidopsis models in relation to various abiotic stimuli applied during early development.
The goal of this work is to identify epivariations likely to favor plant adaptation to their environment, enabling the development of phenotype programming strategies that take into account the epigenetic properties specific to each genotype, favoring the match between varieties and cultivation practices in a context of climate change.

Vincent Coustham, Mini-CV :
2025 - présent : Chargé de Recherche INRAE (CRCN), IJPB
2021 - 2025 : CRCN, UMR Nutrition, Métabolisme, Aquaculture (NuMéA), Aquapôle de Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle - Nutrition and epigenome in rainbow trout
2012 - 2021 : CRCN, UMR Biologie des Oiseaux et Aviculture, INRAE, Nouzilly 37 - Epigenetics and metabolic plasticity in birds
2010 - 2012 : Post-doctorant, IJPB - Epigenetics and natural variability in Arabidopsis
2006 - 2010 : Post-doctorant, John Innes Centre, Norwich, Royaume-Uni - Linking molecular biology and natural variation to gain insights into Arabidopsis adaptation
2002 - 2006 : Doctorant, École Normale Supérieure, LBMC, Lyon - Functional study of Heterochromatin Protein 1 during post-embryonic development in C. elegans

Research developed at the Institute Jean-Pierre Bourgin for Plant Sciences.
The goal of this work is to identify epivariations likely to favor plant adaptation to their environment, enabling the development of phenotype programming strategies that take into account the epigenetic properties specific to each genotype, favoring the match between varieties and cultivation practices in a context of climate change.

Vincent Coustham, Mini-CV :
2025 - présent : Chargé de Recherche INRAE (CRCN), IJPB
2021 - 2025 : CRCN, UMR Nutrition, Métabolisme, Aquaculture (NuMéA), Aquapôle de Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle - Nutrition and epigenome in rainbow trout
2012 - 2021 : CRCN, UMR Biologie des Oiseaux et Aviculture, INRAE, Nouzilly 37 - Epigenetics and metabolic plasticity in birds
2010 - 2012 : Post-doctorant, IJPB - Epigenetics and natural variability in Arabidopsis
2006 - 2010 : Post-doctorant, John Innes Centre, Norwich, Royaume-Uni - Linking molecular biology and natural variation to gain insights into Arabidopsis adaptation
2002 - 2006 : Doctorant, École Normale Supérieure, LBMC, Lyon - Functional study of Heterochromatin Protein 1 during post-embryonic development in C. elegans

Research developed at the Institute Jean-Pierre Bourgin for Plant Sciences.