Équipes de recherche

Dynamiques de la Chromatine et Signalisation

CHRODYNO 6 membres

Publications IJPB (2006-présent)
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Mori A, Nakagawa S, Suzuki T, Suzuki T., Gaudin V, Matsuura T, Ikeda Y, Tamura K (2024). The importin α proteins IMPA1, IMPA2, and IMPA4 play redundant roles in suppressing autoimmunity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J, doi: 10.1111/tpj.17203. PubMed | DOI
Nieves-Cordones M, Azeem F, Long Y, Boeglin M, Duby G, Mouline K, Hosy E, Vavasseur A, Chérel I, Simonneau T, Gaymard F, Leung J, Gaillard I, Thibaud JB, Véry AA, Boudaoud A, Sentenac H (2022). Non-autonomous stomatal control by pavement cell turgor via the K+ channel subunit AtKC1. Plant Cell, koac038. PubMed | DOI
Lu J, Le Hir R, Gómez-Páez DM, Coen O, Péchoux C, Jasinski S, Magnani E (2021). The nucellus: between cell elimination and sugar transport. Plant Physiol, 185(2):478-490. PubMed | DOI
Santos AP, Gaudin V, Mozgova I, Pontvianne F, Schubert D, Tek AL, Dvorackova M, Liu C, Fransz P, Rosa S, Farrona S (2020). Tiding-up the plant nuclear space: domains, function and dynamics. J Exp Bot, . PubMed | DOI
Magnani E (2018). Seed Evolution, A 'Simpler' Story. Trends Plant Sci, 23:654-656. PubMed | DOI
Latrasse D, Germann S, Houba-Herin N, Dubois E, Bui-Prodhomme D, Hourcade D, Juul-Jensen T, Le Roux C, Majira A, Simoncello N, Granier F, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Gaudin V (2011). Control of flowering and cell fate by LIF2, an RNA binding partner of the polycomb complex component LHP1. PLoS One, 6:e16592. PubMed | DOI
Andrey P, Kieu K, Kress C, Lehmann G, Tirichine L, Liu Z, Biot E, Adenot PG, Hue-Beauvais C, Houba-Herin N, Duranthon V, Devinoy E, Beaujean N, Gaudin V, Maurin Y, Debey P (2010). Statistical analysis of 3D images detects regular spatial distributions of centromeres and chromocenters in animal and plant nuclei. PLoS Comput Biol, 6:e1000853. PubMed | DOI
Gaudin V, Andrey P, Devinoy E, Kress C, Kieu K, Beaujean N, Maurin Y, Debey P (2009). Modeling the 3D functional architecture of the nucleus in animal and plant kingdoms. C R Biol, 332:937-946. PubMed | DOI
Pouteau S, Carre I, Gaudin V, Ferret V, Lefebvre D, Wilson M (2008). Diversification of photoperiodic response patterns in a collection of early-flowering mutants of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol, 148:1465-1473. PubMed | DOI
Zhang X, Germann S, Blus BJ, Khorasanizadeh S, Gaudin V, Jacobsen SE (2007). The Arabidopsis LHP1 protein colocalizes with histone H3 Lys27 trimethylation. Nat Struct Mol Biol, 14:869-871. PubMed | DOI
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