-Seed development and evolution
-PhD in Plant Biology, University of California Berkeley, 2007
-HHMI fellow, Carnegie Institution/Stanford University, 2009-2012
-Seed development and evolution
-PhD in Plant Biology, University of California Berkeley, 2007
-HHMI fellow, Carnegie Institution/Stanford University, 2009-2012
- Lu J., Coen O., Péchoux C., Le Hir R. and Magnani E. The Arabidopsis nucellus, between cell elimination and sugar transport. Plant Phys. 2021, Feb; 185(2): 478–490
- Lu J., Coen O., Péchoux C., Le Hir R. and Magnani E. The Arabidopsis nucellus, between cell elimination and sugar transport. Plant Phys. 2021, Feb; 185(2): 478–490
- Magnani E. Seed evolution, a “simpler” story. Trends in Plant Science. 2018, 23(8):654-656.
-Coen O., Fiume E., Xu W., De Vos D., Lu J., Pechoux C., Lepiniec L., Magnani E. Developmental patterning of the sub-epidermal integument cell layer in Arabidopsis seeds. Development. 2017, 15;144(8):1490-1497.
- Xu W., Fiume E., Coen O., Longin C., Lepiniec L., Magnani E. Endosperm and Nucellus Develop Antagonistically in Arabidopsis Seeds. Plant Cell. 2016, 28(6):1343-60.

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