
Amel MAJIRA Technician

Lignocellulosic Biopolymers: from Cell Wall Assemblies to Synthons for Green Chemistry

IJPB publications (2006-to date) [13]
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Rouches E, Gómez-Alvarez H, Majira A, Martín-Moldes Z, Nogales J, Díaz E, Bugg TDH, Baumberger S (2021). Assessment strategy for bacterial lignin depolymerization: Kraft lignin and synthetic lignin bioconversion with Pseudomonas putida. Bioresour Technol Rep, 15: 100742. DOI
Daou M, Farfan Soto C, Majira A, Cézard L, Cottyn B, Pion F, Navarro D, Oliveira Correia L, Drula E, Record E, Raouche S, Baumberger S, Faulds CB (2021). Fungal Treatment for the Valorization of Technical Soda Lignin. J Fungi, 7(1):39. PubMed | DOI
Gerbin E, Rivière GN, Foulon L, Frapart YM, Cottyn B, Pernes M, Marcuello C, Godon B, Gainvors-Claisse A, Crônier D, Majira A, Österberg M, Kurek B, Baumberger S, Aguié-Béghin V (2021). Tuning the functional properties of lignocellulosic films by controlling the molecular and supramolecular structure of lignin. Int J Biol Macromol, 181:136-149. PubMed | DOI
Majira A, Godon B, Foulon L, Van Der Putten JC, Cézard L, Thierry M, Pion F, Bado-Nilles A, Pandard P, Jayabalan T, Aguié-Béghin V, Ducrot PH, Lapierre C, Marlair G, Gosselink RJA, Baumberger S, Cottyn B (2019). Enhancing the Antioxidant Activity of Technical Lignins by Combining Solvent Fractionation and Ionic-Liquid Treatment. ChemSusChem, . PubMed | DOI
Latrasse D, Germann S, Houba-Herin N, Dubois E, Bui-Prodhomme D, Hourcade D, Juul-Jensen T, Le Roux C, Majira A, Simoncello N, Granier F, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Gaudin V (2011). Control of flowering and cell fate by LIF2, an RNA binding partner of the polycomb complex component LHP1. PLoS One, 6:e16592. PubMed | DOI
Mainguet, Gakière B, Majira A, Pelletier S, Bringel F, Guérard F, Caboche M, Berthomé R, Renou JP (2009). Uracil salvage is necessary for early Arabidopsis development. Plant J, 60(2):280-91. PubMed | DOI
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