
Kalina T HAAS Research Scientist

Primary Cell Wall

Open PhD position immediately available at the Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, INRAE Versailles

Project: The prospective PhD candidate will address a research frontier In plant biology, which is to understand the processes in the cell wall that underpin plant growth and development.   The candidate will apply next-generation advanced bioimaging techniques to control and observe key elements involved in plant cell expansion at fast temporal and small spatial scales. A combination of optogenetics and multiplexed spectral FRET-FLIM will be used to provoke rapid perturbations while simultaneously reading the downstream effects. Super-resolution imaging will be used to map the nanometer-scale architecture and de novo formation of the plant cell wall.
Profile: We look for highly motivated and curious candidates with a background in biology, physics, biochemistry, or bioinformatics ready to work in a multidisciplinary environment and learn and develop new cutting-edge approaches. Experience in optical microscopy, molecular biology, and programming will be a plus.

Starting data: The PhD can start any time between September and December 2022. The project is funded by an ERC young investigator grant and a grant from the INRAe department for Plant Biology and Breeding.

Contact: If you are interested, please send your CV, two references and motivation letter to Alexis Peaucelle, contact (, Kalina Haas, contact, or Herman Höfte, contact.  

Shoenaers et al., Current Biology 2018 Haas et al.,
Science 2020 Peaucelle et al.,
iScience 2021 Haas et al.,
Haas et al., The Cell Surface 2021
Kalina T Haas


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