
Camelina day - UNTWIST field days

Tuesday, the 4th of July at 2:00 p.m., INRAE, Versailles

This day will provide an opportunity to present the European UNTWIST project, which aims to understand camelina's tolerance mechanisms to water and heat stress, while adapting it to different cropping modalities. It will also provide an opportunity to visit trial plots and discuss the potential and challenges associated with this crop, particularly in the case of summer intercropping and mixed cropping.

> Presentation of the UNTWIST project
> Tour of the experimental Camelina plots
> Exchange of experiences and discussion of practices and resources related to Camelina cultivation

RegistrationJean-Denis Faure, leader WP1, contact

The day in pictures

Visit to experimental plots with Jean-Denis Faure

Variety trials

Camelina also plays a role of ecosystemic plant, rows are alternate: camelina + lentil and lentil. It stakes the lentil to prevent lodging.

late sowing, in rows or broadcast

Tasting of camelina products: oil, roasted seeds, pesto and honey
The pesto is a recipe developed by Patrice Gelbart (Youpi au théâtre, restaurant at the Théatre de Gennevilliers), as part of a training course organized by Marine Froissard "Cuisiner : s'ouvrir au monde - l'alimentation durable (cameline, soja...)" ("Cooking: opening up to the world - sustainable food (cameline, soya...)"), Academy of Versailles

Final discussion

update 04/07/23

