
Luiza Avezum wins the price for the best oral presentation award at the ICEF14 2023 conference

International Congress on Engineering and Food, June 20-23 2023, Nantes
Luiza Avezum is a PhD student at CIRAD Montpellier. She is co-supervised by Eric Rondet, Professor at the University of Montpellier, "Ingénierie des produits et procédés durables" team, UMR QualiSud, and Loïc Rajjou, PHYGERM "Germination Physiology" team and Professor at AgroParisTech.

She was awarded the prize for best oral presentation for her presentation at the ICEF14 congress. It concerned the optimization of the germination process of lentil and cowpea to increase nutritional quality. Germination sensu stricto is a complex biological process that induces major metabolic changes and activates the accumulation of nutrients required for seedling growth. The aim of this study is to improve the nutritional profile of lentils and cowpeas by determining the optimal germination conditions. The initial exploratory phase was completed by metabolomics and proteomics to identify the key metabolites and enzymes driving the accumulation of amino acids and the initiation of sugar metabolism during germination. The final phase of the work focuses on studying the spatial distribution of the compounds of interest, their evolution and the microstructural modifications induced during germination.

Luiza Avezum wins the price for the best oral presentation award at the ICEF14 2023 conference