
Project Arenguade: A French-style garden in Ethiopia

First exchanges as part of a collaboration between the Château de Versailles and the Entoto Polytechnic School in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Meaning "green" in Amharic, the official language of Ethiopia, Arenguade aims to create a kitchen garden on the grounds of the Polytechnic School, inspired by the spirit of a French formal garden, while promoting greater biodiversity in the cultivated food plants of Ethiopia.

In this context, an initial meeting was held between the members of the IJPB outreach group, led by Marine Froissard, the cultural and educational programs department of the Château de Versailles (EPV), represented by Emmanuelle Marquié (head of the department) and Marie-Astrid Barrault (intern), as well as Sébastien Cailleux, director of the Department of Higher Public Education in Photography at Entoto Polytechnic School and president of the association École d’art au village (Edaav).

Following this meeting, three webinars were organized, bringing together the IJPB outreach group, the EPV department, Sébastien Cailleux, as well as Teshome Feissa Waktola, Dean of the Entoto Polytechnic School, and students in art, design, or agriculture from the school, on the following topics:
> Presentation of the IJPB, aspects of biodiversity, and a project on the chemistry of plant pigments by members of the IJPB outreach group, including Rozenn le Hir, Corine Enard, Carine Géry, Marine Froissard, and the participation of Sylvie Coursol, Deputy Director of the IJPB in charge of the scientific strategy.
> Presentation of the gardens of the Château de Versailles and their history by Giovanni Delu, deputy head gardener, responsible for cultural and mediation aspects.
> Presentation of the Potager du Roi and its history by Ivan Thé, head of the Potager du Roi.

These discussions inspired the many students present, who were not only able to ask questions about the topics covered but also about potential joint projects for collaboration and internships.

Plants grown in Ethiopia
Abeselom Tarekegn, author of the following drawings (dry pastels), Ethiopian artist, student at Entoto Polytechnic School, Fine Art Department, year 3 (graduation), with Graphics specialisation

copyrights : Abeselom Tarekegn

Blé / Sende, food use (bread...)

Tournesol / Suf, food use (oil...)

Menthe / Nana, food and medicinal use

Armoise africaine / Ariti (Artemisia afra), medicinal and perfumery use

Romarin / Rosemery, food (oil) and medicinal use

Caféier / Bunan, food and medicinal use

Moringa / Sheferaw (Moringa stenopetala), medicinal use

Damakase / Dama kese (Ocimum lamiifolum), medicinal use

Rue de Chalep / Tena adam (Ruta chalepensi), food (spice) and medicinal use

Project Arenguade: A French-style garden in Ethiopia