The IJPB Welcomes a Delegation of Quebec Scientists
This visit is organized by the Consulat Général de France in Quebec as part of a tour of Quebec researchers in France. This year, the topic of the tour focus on agriculture and sustainable food.
The delegation was received by the President of the IdF - Versailles Saclay centre, Egizio Valceschini. Noé Bolot, Science and Technology Officer at the Consulat Général de France in Quebec, presented funding opportunities for exchanges and collaborations.
The scientific members of the delegation will then present their research projects:
> Prof. Alain Doyen, Food Sciences, Faculté des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation, Université Laval
> Dr. Karine Pedneault, Adaptation of vineyards and the wine sector to climate change. Institut de recherche sur les sciences de la forêt tempérée, et Département des sciences naturelles de l’Université du Québec en Outaouai
> Prof. Bernard Korai, Consumer Sciences, Département d’agroéconomie et des sciences de la consommation, Université Laval
> Dr. Alexandre Beaudoin, Biology and Urban Agriculture, Unité du développement durable de l’Université de Montréal
> Dr. Geneviève Mercille, Influence of the food environment and local food systems on health and nutrition, Faculté de médecine, Département de nutrition, Université de Montréal
> Assistant Prof. Mirella Aoun, Ferme Éducative à l'Université Bishop's and member of the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems program
Research ongoing at the IJPB, as well as ongoing IJPB - Canada collaborations, was presented by Jean-Christophe Palauqui, FTA team, and Magalie Uyttewaal, SPACE team. Jean-Denis Faure from the DIPOL team, Mathilde Fagard, NPI team, Hayat Bouteau, SEEDEV team, and Léa Barreda, SEEDEV team also presented research projects conducted at the IJPB.
A visit to the Plant Observatory PO and the INRAE digital nursery in Versailles concluded this day.
Research developed at the Institute Jean-Pierre Bourgin for Plant Sciences.
Presentation of the IJPB by Jean-Christophe Palauqui, FTA team
Visit of the Cytology/Imaging" plateform PO-Cyto with Jean-Christophe Palauqui head of the Plant Observatory PO
Visit of the with INRAE Versailles digital nursery with Bérengère Dalmais, one of the initiator of the project
