
The Versailles Arabidopsis Stock Center

A new website to supply seeds to the international research community
The Versailles Arabidopsis Stock Center (VASC) has created large collections of mutants, which are used to investigate the functions of the genes. It also offers numerous worldwide natural variants, as well as plants resulting from crosses between these variants, which allow the analysis of the impact of natural diversity, particularly on complex traits of plant life such as growth, development, reproduction, stress tolerance, etc.   

The VASC website has recently been redesigned thanks to the financial support of the "Plant biology and breeding" (BAP) INRAE division. This site presents the resources and associated genotyping data, pricing and ordering procedure. In addition, it allows for online credit card payment, invoicing and delivery of  MTA (Material Transfer Agreement).  The VASC is committed to a Quality approach according to the ISO9001:2015 Standards. Processes of IBISA labeling and ISO9001 certification are underway to access the RARe infrastructure (Agronomic Resources for Research).  

The governance of VASC is ensured by a steering committee composed of members of the VASC and the head of IJPB (Helen North), a user committee composed of scientists from IJPB (Fabien Chardon, Jean-Christophe Palauqui, and Olivier Loudet) and an external member (Fabrice Roux, LIPME INRAE Toulouse), and a Scientific Advisatory Board (SAB) composed of a member of the RARe network (Mélanie Martignon) and a foreign scientist (Raphael Mercier, Max Planck Institut, Cologne).
