Research teams

The Plant Observatory - Cytology/Imaging

PO-Cyto 8 members

Major equipments include (all available through an online booking system):  
> 6 confocal microscopes (Leica SP5, Leica SP8, Zeiss 710, Zeiss Spinning Disk/TIRF, d-Storm 2 photon FLIM, Stellaris 8 STED FLIM)
> Structured illumination microscope (Zeiss Apotome)
> 10 research microscopes for bright field and epifluorescence
> 2 fully automated macroscopes (bright field and fluorescence, Zeiss)
> Bright field and fluorescence slide scanner (180 slides)
> Scanning electron microscope
> Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
> Flow cytometer with a cell sorting module
> Laser assisted microdissection station (Zeiss-PALM)
> Various tissue-sectioning devices (vibratome, microtomes, cryo microtome…)
> 2 high performance computer stations with various imaging analysis softwares (Imaris, Huygens, ZEN, LAS)
> 3D printing capabilities for prototyping, reverse engineering or 3D plant model production
The Plant Observatory - Cytology/Imaging

Platform heads:

Bertrand Dubreucq, Samantha Vernhettes & Alice Vayssières

Website of the platform