Administration SC-Admin 12 members The administration team supports our research activities for everything related to human resources, partnership, finances, as well as ordering and billing operations with respect to our central store and logistics management.
Maintenance SC-Maint 2 members The IJPB maintenance team is taking care of, or coordinating, technical operations on our equipments, as well as experimental facilities and office space.
Glasswashing, sterilisation and media service SC-Glasswash 5 members Our glasswash service is taking care of all the glass cleaning, preparation and sterilisation of media and material, as well as decontamination.
Bioinformatics and informatics team SC-Info 8 members The team has 2 complementary duties : bioinformatics and informatics.
Communication SC-Com 2 members The team is in charge of internal as well as external communication of the Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin (IJPB).
SPS Management SC-SPS 3 members Management of the Saclay Plant Sciences network, gathering 55 research teams in plant sciences from the Paris-Saclay area.