Jean-Denis Faure is Professor of Plant Physiology and co-director of the Life and Health Science department at AgroParisTech, the main French agronomical engineering school.
He is also responsible of the Integrative Biology and Physiology Master programs within Paris-Saclay University.

He is teaching molecular and functional genetics, plant physiology and cell biology in both master and engineer programs.

He is in charge of coordinating three modules :
- ADOPT A GENE (Master 1 BIP) : a student personal project to characterise through online databases and tools the structure and function of a specific gene.
- Integrative Biology (Engineer 2nd year) : Introduction to multiscale analysis of biological datasets and modelling from omics and image analysis to ecophysiology.
- Cell biology (Master 2 Plant Sciences BIP): from image to function
He is also responsible of the Integrative Biology and Physiology Master programs within Paris-Saclay University.

He is teaching molecular and functional genetics, plant physiology and cell biology in both master and engineer programs.

He is in charge of coordinating three modules :
- ADOPT A GENE (Master 1 BIP) : a student personal project to characterise through online databases and tools the structure and function of a specific gene.
- Integrative Biology (Engineer 2nd year) : Introduction to multiscale analysis of biological datasets and modelling from omics and image analysis to ecophysiology.
- Cell biology (Master 2 Plant Sciences BIP): from image to function

Cell Differentiation and PolarityGroup leader