I am an INRAE Research Director at the IdF - Versailles-Saclay Centre. My team and I are interested in epigenetic variability in plants, particularly tomatoes. We are trying to understand how epigenetic marks are controlled and transmitted between generations.
Professional background
I obtained a PhD in plant molecular genetics in 2000 from the Université Paris-Sud (now the Université Paris-Saclay) after completing my thesis under the joint supervision of David Bouchez (cell biology laboratory, INRA) and Hillel Fromm (Weizmann Institute, Israel). I then did three post-doctorates over the next six years. The first was at Leeds University (UK), the second at the Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique (CEA, Saclay), and the last at INRA Versailles under the supervision of Hervé Vaucheret.
I was recruited as a Chargé de Recherche at INRA Versailles in 2006, before becoming Directeur de Recherche, and I was awarded the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches in 2015.
I obtained a PhD in plant molecular genetics in 2000 from the Université Paris-Sud (now the Université Paris-Saclay) after completing my thesis under the joint supervision of David Bouchez (cell biology laboratory, INRA) and Hillel Fromm (Weizmann Institute, Israel). I then did three post-doctorates over the next six years. The first was at Leeds University (UK), the second at the Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique (CEA, Saclay), and the last at INRA Versailles under the supervision of Hervé Vaucheret.
I was recruited as a Chargé de Recherche at INRA Versailles in 2006, before becoming Directeur de Recherche, and I was awarded the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches in 2015.

Epigenetic Natural VariationEmail : Nicolas.Bouche@inrae.fr
Tél : 0130833314