
Céline Masclaux-Daubresse, Deputy head of the INRAE "Plant biology and breeding" division

Her mission within the  "Plant biology and breeding" division
Céline Masclaux-Daubresse assumed the position of Deputy division head (CDA) within BAP on April 1, 2023. The BAP division recently celebrated its 10th anniversary (IJPB news 15/12/23). Like all other CDA members, she contributes to the development of the division's scientific strategy and participates in decisions regarding human and financial resources. She is responsible for the close monitoring of eight units out of the 44 within the department:
> "GDEC Genetics, Diversity and Ecophysiology of Cereals" GDEC
> "Quantitative Genetics and Evolution-Le Moulon" GQE-Le Moulon
> "The Institute of Research in Horticulture and Seeds" IRHS
> "The Cell & Plant Physiology Laboratory" LPCV
> "Grapevine Health and Wine Quality" SVQV
> "Laboratory for Plant Ecophysiology under Environmental Stress" LEPSE
> "Genetics and Improvement of Fruits and Vegetables" GAFL
> "Ecophysiology and Functional Genomics of the Grapevine" EGFV

She replaces the department head, Isabelle Litrico-Chiarelli, as the representative of INRAE and France on the "Board" of the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) and Peter Rogowsky (CDA BAP) as the public Tutor on the operational Directorate of the PlantAlliance consortium, which consists of two coordinators, a public tutor, and a private tutor. She also takes over from Isabelle Litrico-Chiarelli as the representative of the BAP division on the supervisory committee of the "Saclay Plant Sciences" (SPS) network.

Her mini-CV
2008 -> : Senior Scientist (DR2) and leader of the team "Senescence, Autophagy, Nutrient Recycling and Nitrogen Use Efficiency" SATURNE
2006: Habilitation to Direct Research
1996-2008: Researcher at INRA Versailles (Metabolism, Nitrogen Nutrition of Plants)
1995-1996: Post-doctoral position, Laboratory of Plant Pathology INRA - INA-PG (currently AgroParisTech)
1992-1995: PhD in phytopathology, Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University (currently Sorbonne University), at the Laboratory of Plant Pathology INRA - INA-PG (currently AgroParisTech) - Theme: Role of iron acquisition in the pathogenicity of Erwinia chrysanthemi (renamed Dickeya dadantii)
1993: Graduate of the École Normale Supérieure (currently ENS - PSL)

