
Job offer for an Engineer Position (F/M)

A 18-Month Fixed-Term Position - Metabolic and molecular evaluation of the impact of acclimation to abiotic stresses and germination on seed quality in Camelina sativa

Goal of the project
Study the impact of acclimation to pedoclimatic stress and germination on the composition and nutritional quality of Camelina sativa seed proteins.
Faced with climate change and population growth, adapting food systems is crucial, particularly to meet the increasing demand for protein and to ensure food quality. To address these challenges, we propose evaluating the opportunities for using camelina seeds to promote healthy, sustainable, and traceable nutrition. The project will aim to develop strategies to enhance the resilience of camelina plants, optimize their seed composition (proteins, metabolites, oil), explore the potential of sprouted seeds, and provide data for identifying key genes related to protein quality and metabolic pathways associated with the nutritional quality of the seeds.

The IJPB offers a unique research ecosystem, and inter-disciplinary collaborations between groups are the norm. The IJPB contains six platforms with dedicated staff and is fully equipped for molecular biology, biochemistry and metabolomics (UPLC-MSMS, GC-MS, NMR), advanced microscopy and bioinformatics. The work of the Engineer (IE) will be integrated in the "Seed - Development, Regulation, and Metabolism" SEED-DREAM and "Germination Physiology" PHYGERM teams, where she/he will benefit from the groups’ expertise on the regulation of seed development, germination and metabolism.

We are looking for enthusiastic candidates with interests in understanding plant/seed metabolism and its regulation using physiology, biochemistry and/or metabolomic techniques. Ability to work in a team is essential. A master degree (Bac+5) in plant biochemistry / chemistry / biotechnology or related disciplines is required. A prior knowledge in omic techniques and statistical analysis is a plus.

Research developed at the Institute Jean-Pierre Bourgin for Plant Sciences.

Job offer for an Engineer Position (F/M)

> Massimiliano Corso, "Seed - Development, Regulation, and Metabolism" SEED-DREAM team
> Loïc Rajjou, "Germination Physiology" PHYGERM team

How to apply?
Applicants should provide (in English or French), in a single pdf file:
> 1 page CV
> 1 page motivation letter, including a description of your academic background, professional experience, scientific interests etc. Please also indicate when you will be available for starting the contract.
> Contact information for 2 referees (name, role, email and telephone number). Do not send any recommendation letter.
Send the complete application file to this address before the deadline to:
Massimiliano Corso, contact and Loïc Rajjou, contact

Deadline for application: 21 February 2025
Interviews: end of February / beginning of March 2025
Proposed starting date: 1st April 2025