
IJPB Symposium 2024 - Plant modeling: opportunities and challenges

13-15 May 2024 - IJPB, INRAE Ile-de-France - Versailles-Saclay

The IJPB is organizing the second edition of its international symposium, launched in 2018, to be held in Versailles, from the 13th to 15th of May 2024. This second edition is dedicated to plant modeling, a groundbreaking research strategy, adopted by the IJPB to better understand the complexity of plant biology.

The IJPB Symposium 2024 "Plant Modeling: Opportunities and Challenges" is divided into three plenary conferences and four thematic sessions dealing with plant modeling at different scales, from the intra-cellular to the macroscopic level. The aim of the symposium is to foster collaborations and facilitate knowledge exchange among participants by bringing together, for the first time, renowned specialists in the field.

The symposium will also feature workshops on microscopy and imaging, conducted in collaboration with the imaging and microscopy platform (PO-Cyto) of the Plant Observatory (OV) and the "Modeling and Digital Imaging" (MIN) and "Primary Cell Wall" (PAR) teams of the IJPB.

Presentations will be given in English by invited speakers, IJPB researchers, and selected participants based on submitted abstracts. This symposium will provide a unique opportunity to evaluate recent advances in modeling, explore how it can be integrated experimentally, and examine how it adapts to the constant increase in computing power and the explosion of data.

The full program is now available: link

Registrations are closed. However, feel free to contact the organizers if you wish to participate.
