Équipes de recherche

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PAR 11 membres

Publications IJPB (2006-présent)
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Schoenaers S, Lee HK, Gonneau M, Faucher E, Levasseur T, Akary E, Claeijs N, Moussu S, Broyart C, Balcerowicz D, AbdElgawad H, Bassi A, Damineli DSC, Costa A, Feijo JA, Moreau C, Bonnin E, Cathala B, Santiago J, Höfte H, Vissenberg K (2024). Rapid alkalinization factor 22 has a structural and signalling role in root hair cell wall assembly. Nat Plants, doi: 10.1038/s41477-024-01637-8. PubMed | DOI
Boerjan W, Burlat V, Cosgrove DJ, Dunand C, Dupree P, Haas KT, Ingram G, Jamet E, Mohnen D, Moussu S, Peaucelle A, Persson S, Voiniciuc C, Höfte H (2024). Top five unanswered questions in plant cell surface research. Cell Surf, 11:100121. PubMed | DOI
Moussu S, Lee HK, Haas KT, Broyart C, Rathgeb U, De Bellis D, Levasseur T, Schoenaers S, Fernandez GS, Grossniklaus U, Bonnin E, Hosy E, Vissenberg K, Geldner N, Cathala B, Höfte H, Santiago J (2023). Plant cell wall patterning and expansion mediated by protein-peptide-polysaccharide interaction. Science, 382(6671):719-725. PubMed | DOI
Samalova M, Melnikava A, Elsayad K, Peaucelle A, Gahurova E, Gumulec J, Spyroglou I, Zemlyanskaya EV, Ubogoeva EV, Balkova D, Demko M, Blavet N, Alexiou P, Benes V, Mouille G, Hejatko J (2023). Hormone-regulated expansins: expression, localization, and cell wall biomechanics in Arabidopsis root growth. Plant Physiol, kiad228. PubMed | DOI
Smokvarska M, Bayle V, Maneta-Peyret L, Fouillen L, Poitout A, Dongois A, Fiche JB, Gronnier J, Garcia J, Höfte H, Nolmann M, Zipfel C, Maurel C, Moreau P, Jaillais Y, Martiniere A (2023). The receptor kinase FERONIA regulates phosphatidylserine localization at the cell surface to modulate ROP signaling. Sci Adv, 9(14):eadd4791. PubMed | DOI
Dadashzadeh A, Moghassemi S, Peaucelle A, Lucci CM, Amorim CA (2023). Mind the mechanical strength: tailoring a 3D matrix to encapsulate isolated human preantral follicles. Hum Reprod Open, 2023(2):hoad004. PubMed | DOI
Ouni E, Nedbal V, Da Pian M, Cao H, Haas KT, Peaucelle A, Van Kerk O, Herinckx G, Marbaix E, Dolmans MM, Tuuri T, Otala M, Amorim CA, Vertommen D (2022). Proteome-wide and matrisome-specific atlas of the human ovary computes fertility biomarker candidates and open the way for precision oncofertility. Matrix Biol, S0945-053X(22)00037-3. PubMed | DOI
Corso M, An X, Jones CY, Gonzalez-Doblas V, Schvartzman MS, Malkowski E, Willats WGT, Hanikenne M, Verbruggen N (2021). Adaptation of Arabidopsis halleri to extreme metal pollution through limited metal accumulation involves changes in cell wall composition and metal homeostasis. New Phytol, 230(2):669-682. PubMed | DOI
Li Z, Sela A, Fridman Y, Garstka L, Höfte H, Savaldi-Goldstein S, Wolf S (2021). Optimal BR signalling is required for adequate cell wall orientation in the Arabidopsis root meristem. Development, 148(21):dev199504. PubMed | DOI
Schumacher I, Ndinyanka Fabrice T, Abdou MT, Kuhn BM, Voxeur A, Herger A, Roffler S, Bigler L, Wicker T, Ringli C (2021). Defects in Cell Wall Differentiation of the Arabidopsis Mutant rol1-2 Is Dependent on Cyclin-Dependent Kinase CDK8. Cells, 10(3):685. PubMed | DOI
Ouni E, Peaucelle A, Haas KT, Van Kerk O, Dolmans MM, Tuuri T, Otala M, Amorim CA (2021). A blueprint of the topology and mechanics of the human ovary for next-generation bioengineering and diagnosis. Nat Commun, 12(1):5603. PubMed | DOI
Alonso-Serra J, Shi X, Peaucelle A, Rastas P, Bourdon M, Immanen J, Takahashi J, Koivula H, Eswaran G, Muranen S, Help H, Smolander OP, Su C, Safronov O, Gerber L, Salojarvi J, Hagqvist R, Mähönen AP, Helariutta Y, Nieminen K (2020). ELIMAKI Locus Is Required for Vertical Proprioceptive Response in Birch Trees. Curr Biol, 30:589-599 e585. PubMed | DOI
Rivière M, Corre Y, Peaucelle A, Derr J, Douady S (2020). The hook shape of growing leaves results from an active regulatory process. J Exp Bot, 71(20):6408-6417. PubMed | DOI
Zdanio M, Boron AK, Balcerowicz D, Schoenaers S, Markakis MN, Mouille G, Pintelon I, Suslov D, Gonneau M, Höfte H, Vissenberg K (2020). The Proline-Rich Family Protein EXTENSIN33 Is Required for Etiolated Arabidopsis thaliana Hypocotyl Growth. Plant Cell Physiol, 61:1191-1203. PubMed | DOI
Sampathkumar A, Peaucelle A, Fujita M, Schuster C, Persson S, Wasteneys GO, Meyerowitz EM (2019). Primary wall cellulose synthase regulates shoot apical meristem mechanics and growth. Development, 146:dev179036. PubMed | DOI
Voxeur A, Habrylo O, Guenin S, Miart F, Soulie MC, Rihouey C, Pau-Roblot C, Domon JM, Gutierrez L, Pelloux J, Mouille G, Fagard M, Höfte H, Vernhettes S (2019). Oligogalacturonide production upon Arabidopsis thaliana-Botrytis cinerea interaction. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 116:19743-19752. PubMed | DOI
Bhosale R, Boudolf V, Cuevas F, Lu R, Eekhout T, Hu Z, Van Isterdael G, Lambert GM, Xu F, Nowack MK, Smith RS, Vercauteren I, De Rycke R, Storme V, Beeckman T, Larkin JC, Kremer A, Höfte H, Galbraith DW, Kumpf RP, Maere S, De Veylder L (2018). A Spatiotemporal DNA Endoploidy Map of the Arabidopsis Root Reveals Roles for the Endocycle in Root Development and Stress Adaptation. Plant Cell, 30:2330-2351. PubMed | DOI
Feng W, Kita D, Peaucelle A, Cartwright HN, Doan V, Duan Q, Liu MC, Maman J, Steinhorst L, Schmitz-Thom I, Yvon R, Kudla J, Wu HM, Cheung AY, Dinneny JR (2018). The FERONIA Receptor Kinase Maintains Cell-Wall Integrity during Salt Stress through Ca(2+) Signaling. Curr Biol, 28:666-675 e665. PubMed | DOI
Gonneau M, Desprez T, Martin M, Doblas VG, Bacete L, Miart F, Sormani R, Hématy K, Renou J, Landrein B, Murphy E, Van De Cotte B, Vernhettes S, De Smet I, Höfte H (2018). Receptor Kinase THESEUS1 Is a Rapid Alkalinization Factor 34 Receptor in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol, 28:2452-2458 e2454. PubMed | DOI
Höfte H, Voxeur A (2017). Plant cell walls. Curr Biol, 27:R865-R870. PubMed | DOI
Merz D, Richter J, Gonneau M, Sánchez-Rodríguez C, Eder T, Sormani R, Martin M, Hématy K, Höfte H, Hauser MT (2017). T-DNA alleles of the receptor kinase THESEUS1 with opposing effects on cell wall integrity signaling. J Exp Bot, 68:4583-4593. PubMed | DOI
Sibout R, Proost S, Hansen BO, Vaid N, Giorgi FM, Ho-Yue-Kuang S, Legée F, Cezart L, Bouchabké-Coussa O, Soulhat C, Provart N, Pasha A, Le Bris P, Roujol D, Höfte H, Jamet E, Lapierre C, Persson S, Mutwil M (2017). Expression atlas and comparative coexpression network analyses reveal important genes involved in the formation of lignified cell wall in Brachypodium distachyon. New Phytol, 215:1009-1025. PubMed | DOI
Van Der Does D, Boutrot F, Engelsdorf T, Rhodes J, Mckenna JF, Vernhettes S, Koevoets I, Tintor N, Veerabagu M, Miedes E, Segonzac C, Roux M, Breda AS, Hardtke CS, Molina A, Rep M, Testerink C, Mouille G, Höfte H, Hamann T, Zipfel C (2017). The Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase MIK2/LRR-KISS connects cell wall integrity sensing, root growth and response to abiotic and biotic stresses. PLoS Genet, 13:e1006832. PubMed | DOI
Hu Z, Vanderhaeghen R, Cools T, Wang Y, De Clercq I, Leroux O, Nguyen L, Belt K, Millar AH, Audenaert D, Hilson P, Small I, Mouille G, Vernhettes S, Van Breusegem F, Whelan J, Höfte H, De Veylder L (2016). Mitochondrial Defects Confer Tolerance against Cellulose Deficiency. Plant Cell, 28:2276-2290. PubMed | DOI
Von Schwartzenberg K, Lindner AC, Gruhn N, Simura J, Novák O, Strnad M, Gonneau M, Nogué F, Heyl A (2016). CHASE domain-containing receptors play an essential role in the cytokinin response of the moss Physcomitrella patens. J Exp Bot, 67:667-679. PubMed | DOI
Yang W, Schuster C, Beahan CT, Charoensawan V, Peaucelle A, Bacic A, Doblin MS, Wightman R, Meyerowitz EM (2016). Regulation of Meristem Morphogenesis by Cell Wall Synthases in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol, 26:1404-1415. PubMed | DOI
Bastien R, Douady S, Moulia B (2015). A unified model of shoot tropism in plants: photo-, gravi- and Propio-ception. PLoS Comput Biol, 11:e1004037. PubMed | DOI
Esque J, Urbain A, Etchebest C, De Brevern AG (2015). Sequence-structure relationship study in all-alpha transmembrane proteins using an unsupervised learning approach. Amino Acids, 47:2303-2322. PubMed | DOI
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