
Marine FROISSARD Research Scientist

Dynamics and Engineering of Lipidic Compartments

I take part in many scientific mediation projects in partnership with national structures, local schools, etc.) or cultural structures (music conservatory, château de Versailles, etc). The projects are of different types

External or internal events for the public (fête de la science, 80 years of the CNRS, SOLEIL de minuit, music festival at the INRA site in Versailles, etc.) involving several hundred people.
Some examples of workshops
  •  "Chromato'graphic" which presents molecule separation technique and vegetable pigments with extraction of vegetable juices and their analysis by chromatography and chemistry.
  •   "Reconciling oil and water, the two best enemies" which allows to approach concepts of biophysics of natural emulsions and to present oil plants with manipulations of colored water, oil and detergents.
  •   "There's oil in gas in the lab!" which presents the technique of gas chromatography applied to the analysis of edible oils and the identification of fatty acids including omega 3.

Arts and science projects
  • 2021. "PerceptionS de la recherche" is a travelling exhibition whose aim is to immerse the visitor in a research center using the five senses. (Dan Ramaën, Olivier Dizet, Master FESAPCA UVSQ,  La Commanderie, La Diagonale Paris-Saclay)
  • 2020. 3serres". Exhibition and workshops on INRAE Greenhouses. (Dan Ramaën, La Commanderie, La Diagonale Paris-Saclay)
  • 2015-2016. "Musique et lumière : une même histoire d'ondes" (CNRS, Ville de Trappes-en-Yvelines, La Diagonale Paris-Saclay). Workshops and experiments delocalized in a music conservatory. Movie 1 and movie 2.

Interventions in schools
In partnership with teachers of all levels, and with the support of Académie de Versailles and CSTI (scientific, technical and industrial culture) structures, we are developing workshops in schools or at the INRAE site in Versailles around different projects.
  • 2020-2021 PACTE "ancient garden" project in partnership with Jean Bullant High School from Ecouen around extraction of vegetable pigments and chemical properties of vegetable oils for painting.
  • 2019-2020 "science class" project, with Louis Pergaud school in Trappes-en-Yvelines, supported by the "REP+" and "cité éducative" national program.

Training of teachers on green chemistry, plant pigments, plant biology, sustainable food.

Welcome of high school students for internships to discover the professional environment.
Marine Froissard


Cell Differentiation and Polarity

Tél : 0130833896