Science Festival: come and discover the world of research and plants! Outreach 26/09/2024 | 83 days ago As every year, the IJPB actively participated in the Science Festival with a scientific discovery workshops for 2024.
Nicolas Bouché, co-host of the Biodiversity conference for the Ecological Transition Training of State officials Event 19/09/2024 | 90 days ago
Job offer for a position "Ingénieur.e d’Étude" in bioinformatics/biostatistics (M/F) Jobs 05/07/2024 | 166 days ago 18 months contract
HEC alumni visiting the IJPB News 14/06/2023 | 553 days ago On the topic of "Agriculture in the face of climate change: what if tomorrow we planted sorghum instead of corn in France?
Nicolas Bouché discusses epigenetics in LSD, the France Culture documentary series Outreach 20/04/2023 | 608 days ago Episode 4/4 of the podcast "Epigenetics makes campaign" from the topic of the week: "Epigenetics, when DNA shows off"
Bioanalysis in the spotlight in the SPS network News 20/10/2022 | 790 days ago Focus on the IJPB projects supported