
Fabien CHARDON Directeur de recherche

Senescence, Autophagie, Recyclage Nutritionnel et Efficacité d'Utilisation de l'Azote

Publications IJPB (2006-présent)
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Demirjian C, Razavi N, Yu G, Mayjonade B, Zhang L, Lonjon F, Chardon F, Carrere S, Gouzy J, Genin S, Macho AP, Roux F, Berthomé R, Vailleau F (2023). An atypical NLR gene confers bacterial wilt susceptibility in Arabidopsis. Plant Commun, 100607. PubMed | DOI
PlantACT [...], Chardon F, Krapp A (2023). PlantACT! - how to tackle the climate crisis. Trends Plant Sci, S1360-1385(23)00024-9. PubMed | DOI
Hodin J, Lind C, Marmagne A, Espagne C, Bianchi MW, De Angeli A, Abou-Choucha F, Bourge M, Chardon F, Thomine S, Filleur S (2022). Proton exchange by the vacuolar nitrate transporter CLCa is required for plant growth and nitrogen use efficiency. Plant Cell, koac325. PubMed | DOI
Decouard B, Bailly M, Rigault M, Marmagne A, Arkoun M, Soulay F, Caïus J, Paysant-Le Roux C, Louahlia S, Jacquard C, Esmaeel Q, Chardon F, Masclaux-Daubresse C, Dellagi A (2022). Genotypic Variation of Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Amino Acid Metabolism in Barley. Front Plant Sci, 12:807798. PubMed | DOI
Chardon F, Bedu M, Calenge F, Klemens PA, Spinner L, Clément G, Chietera G, Leran S, Ferrand M, Lacombe B, Loudet O, Dinant S, Bellini C, Neuhaus HE, Daniel-Vedele F, Krapp A (2013). Leaf fructose content is controlled by the vacuolar transporter SWEET17 in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol, 23:697-702. PubMed | DOI
De Pessemier J, Chardon F, Juraniec M, Delaplace P, Hermans C (2013). Natural variation of the root morphological response to nitrate supply in Arabidopsis thaliana. Mech Dev, 130:45-53. PubMed | DOI
Arraouadi S, Chardon F, Huguet T, Aouani ME, Badri M (2010). QTLs mapping of morphological traits related to salt tolerance in Medicago truncatula. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 33:917-926. PubMed | DOI
Gaufichon L, Reisdorf-Cren M, Rothstein SJ, Chardon F, Suzuki A (2010). Biological functions of asparagine synthetase in plants. Plant Science, 179:141-153. PubMed | DOI
Chopin F, Orsel M, Dorbe MF, Chardon F, Truong HN, Miller AJ, Krapp A, Daniel-Vedele F (2007). The Arabidopsis ATNRT2.7 nitrate transporter controls nitrate content in seeds. Plant Cell, 19:1590-1602. PubMed | DOI
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