Chromatin Dynamics and Signalling CHRODYNO 6 members The CHRODYNO group aims to better understand the inter-process coordination between chromatin dynamics and developmental/environmental signaling by exploiting several biological models and multidisciplinary approaches.
Primary Cell Wall PAR 9 members The team is studying the architecture and metabolism of cell walls in relation to cell expansion, immunity and as a source of natural defense stimulators in plants. It also contributes to the improvement of lignocellulosic biomass crops such as miscanthus.
Transcription Factors and Architecture FTA 11 members Our team studies the way plants develop and acquire their remarkable forms. To do this, we are studying the role of transcription factors that orchestrate the development using molecular genetics and imaging approaches combined with quantitative approaches and modeling.
Glycans and Signaling GAS 6 members The production of oligosaccharides that comes from the cleavage of cell wall polysaccharides, contributes to the regulation of plant development and growth in physiological and stressed conditions.
Strigolactones and Allelochemicals Signaling SAS 13 members The SAS team is interested in specialized metabolites synthesized by plants that have a hormonal function and/or are involved in interactions between plants in the rhizosphere (allelopathy). The team aims to identify these metabolites and decipher their synthesis and signalling pathways.
Cell to Cell Adhesion and Communication ACCI 2 members The plant cell wall consists mainly of a complex network of polysaccharides. It plays a fundamental role in the growth, development and interaction with the abiotic and biotic environment of the plant.
Spatial Control of Cell Division SPACE 10 members The SPACE team focuses on the spatial control of cell division, elongation and differentiation in plant cells, in relation to the organization and dynamics of the microtubular cytoskeleton.
Modeling and Digital Imaging MiN 7 members Our research aims at designing original approaches in image analysis, spatial statistics, and computational modeling to better understand plant development and functions.
Epigenetic Natural Variation VarEpi 7 members In plants, DNA methylation, that occurs at cytosines in all contexts, is an epigenetic mark critical for transposon silencing. Our group studies the different molecular pathways controlling DNA methylation and its inheritance over generations.
Biology of the Cell and Regeneration BCR 4 members A whole fertile plant can be regenerated starting from a small fragment of tissue, even a single cell. Our studies aim at understanding this process to identify factors that promote or, to the contrary, that impede plant regeneration.