Research teams

Transcription Factors and Architecture

FTA 12 members 60 IJPB publications (2006-to date)

All publications (2006-to date) [60]
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Ragni L, Truernit E, Pautot V (2007). KNOXing on the BELL: TALE Homeobox genes and meristem activity. Int J Plant Dev Biol, 1:42-48. PubMed | DOI
Belles-Boix E, Hamant O, Witiak SM, Morin H, Traas J, Pautot V (2006). KNAT6: an Arabidopsis homeobox gene involved in meristem activity and organ separation. Plant Cell, 18:1900-1907. PubMed | DOI
De Reuille PB, Bohn-Courseau I, Ljung K, Morin H, Carraro N, Godin C, Traas J (2006). Computer simulations reveal properties of the cell-cell signaling network at the shoot apex in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 103:1627-1632. PubMed | DOI
Muller R, Borghi L, Kwiatkowska D, Laufs P, Simon R (2006). Dynamic and compensatory responses of Arabidopsis shoot and floral meristems to CLV3 signaling. Plant Cell, 18:1188-1198. PubMed | DOI
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