Science Festival: come and discover the world of research and plants! Outreach 26/09/2024 | 10 days ago As every year, the IJPB actively participated in the Science Festival with a scientific discovery workshops for 2024.
The IJPB at the 16th edition of Esprit Jardin Outreach 01/05/2024 | 158 days ago Workshops on oils and leaves on April 27th and 28th, 2024 in Versailles
Formation of stem cells in meristems newly formed by plants Publication 22/12/2023 | 289 days ago IJPB featured in a BAP INRAE division highlight, publication of the "Transcription Factors and Architecture" team
Science Festival: come and discover the world of research and plants! Outreach 28/09/2023 | 374 days ago As every year, the IJPB actively participated in the Science Festival with a scientific discovery workshop and mini-lectures for 2023.
How are new stem cells formed in plants? Publication 14/09/2022 | 753 days ago Publication in the journal The Plant Cell, 27 August 2022