
Biomasse, Graines et Bioproduits

BSB 5 équipes de recherche

Publications IJPB (2006-présent)
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Tylichova M, Briozzo P, Kopecný D, Ferrero J, Moréra S, Joly N, Snegaroff J, Sebela M (2008). Purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of a recombinant plant aminoaldehyde dehydrogenase from Pisum sativum. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun, 64:88-90. PubMed | DOI
Barrero JM, Rodriguez PL, Quesada V, Alabadi D, Blazquez MA, Boutin JP, Marion-Poll A, Ponce MR, Micol JL (2008). The ABA1 gene and carotenoid biosynthesis are required for late skotomorphogenic growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Environ, 31:227-234. PubMed | DOI
Holdsworth MJ, Finch-Savage WE, Grappin P, Job D (2008). Post-genomics dissection of seed dormancy and germination. Trends Plant Sci, 13:7-13. PubMed | DOI
Bach L, Michaelson LV, Haslam R, Bellec Y, Gissot L, Marion J, Da Costa M, Boutin JP, Miquel M, Tellier F, Domergue F, Markham JE, Beaudoin F, Napier JA, Faure JD (2008). The very-long-chain hydroxy fatty acyl-CoA dehydratase PASTICCINO2 is essential and limiting for plant development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105:14727-14731. PubMed | DOI
Berdasco M, Alcazar R, Garcia-Ortiz MV, Ballestar E, Fernandez AF, Roldan-Arjona T, Tiburcio AF, Altabella T, Buisine N, Quesneville H, Baudry A, Lepiniec L, Alaminos M, Rodriguez R, Lloyd A, Colot V, Bender J, Canal MJ, Esteller M, Fraga MF (2008). Promoter DNA hypermethylation and gene repression in undifferentiated Arabidopsis cells. PLoS One, 3:e3306. PubMed | DOI
Dubos C, Le Gourrierec J, Baudry A, Huep G, Lanet E, Debeaujon I, Routaboul JM, Alboresi A, Weisshaar B, Lepiniec L (2008). MYBL2 is a new regulator of flavonoid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J, 55:940-953. PubMed | DOI
Luceri C, Giovannelli L, Pitozzi V, Toti S, Castagnini C, Routaboul JM, Lepiniec L, Larrosa M, Dolara P (2008). Liver and colon DNA oxidative damage and gene expression profiles of rats fed Arabidopsis thaliana mutant seeds containing contrasted flavonoids. Food Chem Toxicol, 46:1213-1220. PubMed | DOI
Nunez JG, Kronenberger J, Wuilleme S, Lepiniec L, Rochat C (2008). Study of AtSUS2 localization in seeds reveals a strong association with plastids. Plant Cell Physiol, 49:1621-1626. PubMed | DOI
Wilson A, Punginelli C, Gall A, Bonetti C, Alexandre M, Routaboul JM, Kerfeld CA, Van Grondelle R, Robert B, Kennis JT, Kirilovsky D (2008). A photoactive carotenoid protein acting as light intensity sensor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105:12075-12080. PubMed | DOI
Baumberger S, Abaecherli A, Fasching M, Gellerstedt G, Gosselink R, Hortling B, Li J, Saake B, De Jong E (2007). Molar mass determination of lignins by size-exclusion chromatography: towards standardisation of the method. Holzforschung, 61:459-468. PubMed | DOI
Es-Safi NE, Kollmann A, Khlifi S, Ducrot PH (2007). Antioxidative effect of compounds isolated from Globularia alypum L. structure–activity relationship. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 40:1246-1252. PubMed | DOI
Guillaumie S, San-Clemente H, Deswarte C, Martinez Y, Lapierre C, Murigneux A, Barriere Y, Pichon M, Goffner D (2007). MAIZEWALL. Database and developmental gene expression profiling of cell wall biosynthesis and assembly in maize. Plant Physiol, 143:339-363. PubMed | DOI
Halpin C, Thain S, Tilston E, Guiney E, Lapierre C, Hopkins D (2007). Ecological impacts of trees with modified lignin. Tree Genet Genomes, 3:101-110. PubMed | DOI
Leple JC, Dauwe R, Morreel K, Storme V, Lapierre C, Pollet B, Naumann A, Kang KY, Kim H, Ruel K, Lefebvre A, Joseleau JP, Grima-Pettenati J, De Rycke R, Andersson-Gunneras S, Erban A, Fehrle I, Petit-Conil M, Kopka J, Polle A, Messens E, Sundberg B, Mansfield SD, Ralph J, Pilate G, Boerjan W (2007). Downregulation of cinnamoyl-coenzyme A reductase in poplar: multiple-level phenotyping reveals effects on cell wall polymer metabolism and structure. Plant Cell, 19:3669-3691. PubMed | DOI
Pitre FE, Pollet B, Lafarguette F, Cooke JE, Mackay JJ, Lapierre C (2007). Effects of increased nitrogen supply on the lignification of poplar wood. J Agric Food Chem, 55:10306-10314. PubMed | DOI
Denery-Papini S, Lauriere M, Branlard G, Morisset M, Pecquet C, Choudat D, Merlino M, Pineau F, Popineau Y, Boulenc E, Bouchez-Mahiout I, Bodinier M, Moneret-Vautrin DA (2007). Influence of the allelic variants encoded at the Gli-B1 locus, responsible for a major allergen of wheat, on IgE reactivity for patients suffering from food allergy to wheat. J Agric Food Chem, 55:799-805. PubMed | DOI
Froissard M, Belgareh-Touze N, Dias M, Buisson N, Camadro JM, Haguenauer-Tsapis R, Lesuisse E (2007). Trafficking of siderophore transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and intracellular fate of ferrioxamine B conjugates. Traffic, 8:1601-1616. PubMed | DOI
Jolivet P, Bordes F, Fudalej F, Cancino M, Vignaud C, Dossat V, Burghoffer C, Marty A, Chardot T, Nicaud JM (2007). Analysis of Yarrowia lipolytica extracellular lipase Lip2p glycosylation. FEMS Yeast Res, 7:1317-1327. PubMed | DOI
Lauriere M, Pecquet C, Boulenc E, Bouchez-Mahiout I, Snegaroff J, Choudat D, Raison-Peyron N, Vigan M, Branlard G (2007). Genetic differences in omega-gliadins involved in two different immediate food hypersensitivities to wheat. Allergy, 62:890-896. PubMed | DOI
Ofiteru A, Bucurenci N, Alexov E, Bertrand T, Briozzo P, Munier-Lehmann H, Gilles AM (2007). Structural and functional consequences of single amino acid substitutions in the pyrimidine base binding pocket of Escherichia coli CMP kinase. FEBS J, 274:3363-3373. PubMed | DOI
Purkrtova Z, D'Andrea S, Jolivet P, Lipovova P, Kralova B, Kodicek M, Chardot T (2007). Structural properties of caleosin: a MS and CD study. Arch Biochem Biophys, 464:335-343. PubMed | DOI
Snegaroff J, Branlard G, Bouchez-Mahiout I, Laudet B, Tylichova M, Chardot T, Pecquet C, Choudat D, Raison-Peyron N, Vigan M, Kerre S, Lauriere M (2007). Recombinant proteins and peptides as tools for studying IgE reactivity with low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits in some wheat allergies. J Agric Food Chem, 55:9837-9845. PubMed | DOI
Bauby H, Divol F, Truernit E, Grandjean O, Palauqui JC (2007). Protophloem differentiation in early Arabidopsis thaliana development. Plant Cell Physiol, 48:97-109. PubMed | DOI
Baud S, Wuilleme S, Dubreucq B, De Almeida A, Vuagnat C, Lepiniec L, Miquel M, Rochat C (2007). Function of plastidial pyruvate kinases in seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J, 52:405-419. PubMed | DOI
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