
Biomasse, Graines et Bioproduits

BSB 5 équipes de recherche

Publications IJPB (2006-présent)
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Aguié-Béghin V, Foulon L, Soto P, Crônier D, Corti E, Legée F, Cézard L, Chabbert B, Maillard MN, Huijgen WJ, Baumberger S (2015). Use of food and packaging model matrices to investigate the antioxidant properties of biorefinery grass lignins. J Agric Food Chem, 63:10022-10031. PubMed | DOI
Burge G, Saulou-Berion C, Moussa M, Pollet B, Flourat A, Allais F, Athes V, Spinnler HE (2015). Diversity of Lactobacillus reuteri Strains in Converting Glycerol into 3-Hydroxypropionic Acid. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 177:923-939. PubMed | DOI
Oulame M, Pion F, Allauddin S, Raju K, Ducrot P, Allais F (2015). Renewable alternating aliphatic-aromatic poly(ester-urethane)s prepared from ferulic acid and bio-based diols. European Polymer Journal, 63:186-193. PubMed | DOI
Mameri H, Brossard C, Gaudin JC, Gohon Y, Paty E, Beaudouin E, Moneret-Vautrin DA, Drouet M, Sole V, Wien F, Lupi R, Larre C, Snegaroff J, Denery-Papini S (2015). Structural Basis of IgE Binding to alpha- and gamma-Gliadins: Contribution of Disulfide Bonds and Repetitive and Nonrepetitive Domains. J Agric Food Chem, 63:6546-6554. PubMed | DOI
Bourcier De Carbon C, Thurotte A, Wilson A, Perreau F, Kirilovsky D (2015). Biosynthesis of soluble carotenoid holoproteins in Escherichia coli. Sci Rep, 5:9085. PubMed | DOI
Leverenz RL, Sutter M, Wilson A, Gupta S, Thurotte A, Bourcier De Carbon C, Petzold CJ, Ralston C, Perreau F, Kirilovsky D, Kerfeld CA (2015). PHOTOSYNTHESIS. A 12 A carotenoid translocation in a photoswitch associated with cyanobacterial photoprotection. Science, 348:1463-1466. PubMed | DOI
Nguyen TP, Cueff G, Hegedus DD, Rajjou L, Bentsink L (2015). A role for seed storage proteins in Arabidopsis seed longevity. J Exp Bot, 66:6399-6413. PubMed | DOI
Poncet V, Scutt C, Tournebize R, Villegente M, Cueff G, Rajjou L, Balliau T, Zivy M, Fogliani B, Job C, De Kochko A, Sarramegna-Burtet V, Job D (2015). The Amborella vacuolar processing enzyme family. Front Plant Sci, 6:618. PubMed | DOI
Voiniciuc C, Schmidt MH, Berger A, Yang B, Ebert B, Scheller HV, North HM, Usadel B, Gunl M (2015). MUCILAGE-RELATED10 Produces Galactoglucomannan That Maintains Pectin and Cellulose Architecture in Arabidopsis Seed Mucilage. Plant Physiol, 169:403-420. PubMed | DOI
Farace G, Visconti S, Marchive C, Aducci P, Marra M, Trossat-Magnin C (2015). Characterization, functional validation and gene expression patterns of two 14-3-3 isoforms from Vitis vinifera. Vitis, 54:33-40. PubMed | DOI
Grimault A, Gendrot G, Chaignon S, Gilard F, Tcherkez G, Thévenin J, Dubreucq B, Depege-Fargeix N, Rogowsky PM (2015). Role of B3 domain transcription factors of the AFL family in maize kernel filling. Plant Sci, 236:116-125. PubMed | DOI
Grimault A, Gendrot G, Chamot S, Widiez T, Rabille H, Gerentes MF, Creff A, Thévenin J, Dubreucq B, Ingram GC, Rogowsky PM, Depege-Fargeix N (2015). ZmZHOUPI, an endosperm-specific basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor involved in maize seed development. Plant J, 84:574-586. PubMed | DOI
Thazar-Poulot N, Miquel M, Fobis-Loisy I, Gaude T (2015). Peroxisome extensions deliver the Arabidopsis SDP1 lipase to oil bodies. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 112:4158-4163. PubMed | DOI
Chazal R, Robert P, Durand S, Devaux MF, Saulnier L, Lapierre C, Guillon F (2014). Investigating lignin key features in maize lignocelluloses using infrared spectroscopy. Appl Spectrosc, 68:1342-1347. PubMed | DOI
Marriott PE, Sibout R, Lapierre C, Fangel JU, Willats WG, Höfte H, Gomez LD, Mcqueen-Mason SJ (2014). Range of cell-wall alterations enhance saccharification in Brachypodium distachyon mutants. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111:14601-14606. PubMed | DOI
Méchin V, Laluc A, Legée F, Cézard L, Denoue D, Barriere Y, Lapierre C (2014). Impact of the brown-midrib bm5 mutation on maize lignins. J Agric Food Chem, 62:5102-5107. PubMed | DOI
Petrik DL, Karlen SD, Cass CL, Padmakshan D, Lu F, Liu S, Le Bris P, Antelme S, Santoro N, Wilkerson CG, Sibout R, Lapierre C, Ralph J, Sedbrook JC (2014). p-Coumaroyl-CoA:monolignol transferase (PMT) acts specifically in the lignin biosynthetic pathway in Brachypodium distachyon. Plant J, 77:713-726. PubMed | DOI
Timpano H, Sibout R, Devaux MF, Alvarado C, Looten R, Falourd X, Pontoire B, Martin M, Legée F, Cézard L, Lapierre C, Badel E, Citerne S, Vernhettes S, Höfte H, Guillon F, Gonneau M (2014). Brachypodium Cell Wall Mutant with Enhanced Saccharification Potential Despite Increased Lignin Content. BioEnergy Research, 8:53-67. PubMed | DOI
Van Acker R, Leple JC, Aerts D, Storme V, Goeminne G, Ivens B, Legée F, Lapierre C, Piens K, Van Montagu MC, Santoro N, Foster CE, Ralph J, Soetaert W, Pilate G, Boerjan W (2014). Improved saccharification and ethanol yield from field-grown transgenic poplar deficient in cinnamoyl-CoA reductase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111:845-850. PubMed | DOI
Vermachova M, Purkrtova Z, Santrucek J, Jolivet P, Chardot T, Kodicek M (2014). Combining chymotrypsin/trypsin digestion to identify hydrophobic proteins from oil bodies. Methods Mol Biol, 1072:185-198. PubMed | DOI
Jallet D, Thurotte A, Leverenz RL, Perreau F, Kerfeld CA, Kirilovsky D (2014). Specificity of the cyanobacterial orange carotenoid protein: influences of orange carotenoid protein and phycobilisome structures. Plant Physiol, 164:790-804. PubMed | DOI
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