
Physiologie et Interactions

PHI 6 équipes de recherche

Publications IJPB (2006-présent)
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Hirel B, Tétu T, Lea PJ, Dubois F (2011). Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Crops for Sustainable Agriculture. Sustainability, 3:1452-1485. PubMed | DOI
Roux F, Colome-Tatche M, Edelist C, Wardenaar R, Guerche P, Hospital F, Colot V, Jansen RC, Johannes F (2011). Genome-wide epigenetic perturbation jump-starts patterns of heritable variation found in nature. Genetics, 188:1015-1017. PubMed | DOI
Dechorgnat J, Nguyen CT, Armengaud P, Jossier M, Diatloff E, Filleur S, Daniel-Vedele F (2011). From the soil to the seeds: the long journey of nitrate in plants. J Exp Bot, 62:1349-1359. PubMed | DOI
Dobrenel T, Marchive C, Sormani R, Moreau M, Mozzo M, Montane MH, Menand B, Robaglia C, Meyer C (2011). Regulation of plant growth and metabolism by the TOR kinase. Biochem Soc Trans, 39:477-481. PubMed | DOI
Heidari B, Matre P, Nemie-Feyissa D, Meyer C, Rognli OA, Moller SG, Lillo C (2011). Protein phosphatase 2A B55 and A regulatory subunits interact with nitrate reductase and are essential for nitrate reductase activation. Plant Physiol, 156:165-172. PubMed | DOI
Krapp A, Berthomé R, Orsel M, Boutet S, Yu A, Castaings L, Elftieh S, Major H, Renou JP, Daniel-Vedele F (2011). Arabidopsis roots and shoots show distinct temporal adaptation patterns toward nitrogen starvation. Plant Physiol, 157:1255-1282. PubMed | DOI
Matiolli CC, Tomaz JP, Duarte GT, Prado FM, Del Bem LE, Silveira AB, Gauer L, Correa LG, Drumond RD, Viana AJ, Di Mascio P, Meyer C, Vincentz M (2011). The Arabidopsis bZIP gene AtbZIP63 is a sensitive integrator of transient abscisic acid and glucose signals. Plant Physiol, 157:692-705. PubMed | DOI
Pacurar DI, Thordal-Christensen H, Pacurar ML, Pamfil D, Botez C, Bellini C (2011). Agrobacterium tumefaciens: From crown gall tumors to genetic transformation. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 76:76-81. PubMed | DOI
Pop TI, Pamfil D, Bellini C (2011). Auxin Control in the Formation of Adventitious Roots. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 39:307-316. PubMed | DOI
Alcazar R, Reymond M, Schmitz G, De Meaux J (2011). Genetic and evolutionary perspectives on the interplay between plant immunity and development. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 14:378-384. PubMed | DOI
Maaroufi-Dguimi H, Debouba M, Gaufichon L, Clément G, Gouia H, Hajjaji A, Suzuki A (2011). An Arabidopsis mutant disrupted in ASN2 encoding asparagine synthetase 2 exhibits low salt stress tolerance. Plant Physiol Biochem, 49:623-628. PubMed | DOI
Broyart C, Fontaine JX, Molinie R, Cailleu D, Terce-Laforgue T, Dubois F, Hirel B, Mesnard F (2010). Metabolic profiling of maize mutants deficient for two glutamine synthetase isoenzymes using 1H-NMR-based metabolomics. Phytochem Anal, 21:102-109. PubMed | DOI
Fontaine JX, Molinie R, Terce-Laforgue T, Cailleu D, Hirel B, Dubois F, Mesnard F (2010). Use of 1H-NMR metabolomics to precise the function of the third glutamate dehydrogenase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana. Comptes Rendus Chimie, 13:453-458. PubMed | DOI
Massonnet C, Vile D, Fabre J, Hannah MA, Caldana C, Lisec J, Beemster GT, Meyer RC, Messerli G, Gronlund JT, Perkovic J, Wigmore E, May S, Bevan MW, Meyer C, Rubio-Diaz S, Weigel D, Micol JL, Buchanan-Wollaston V, Fiorani F, Walsh S, Rinn B, Gruissem W, Hilson P, Hennig L, Willmitzer L, Granier C (2010). Probing the reproducibility of leaf growth and molecular phenotypes: a comparison of three Arabidopsis accessions cultivated in ten laboratories. Plant Physiol, 152:2142-2157. PubMed | DOI
Van Leene J, Hollunder J, Eeckhout D, Persiau G, Van De Slijke E, Stals H, Van Isterdael G, Verkest A, Neirynck S, Buffel Y, De Bodt S, Maere S, Laukens K, Pharazyn A, Ferreira PC, Eloy N, Renne C, Meyer C, Faure JD, Steinbrenner J, Beynon J, Larkin JC, Van De Peer Y, Hilson P, Kuiper M, De Veylder L, Van Onckelen H, Inzé D, Witters E, De Jaeger G (2010). Targeted interactomics reveals a complex core cell cycle machinery in Arabidopsis thaliana. Mol Syst Biol, 6:397. PubMed | DOI
Bencharki B, Boissinot S, Revollon S, Ziegler-Graff V, Erdinger M, Wiss L, Dinant S, Renard D, Beuve M, Lemaître-Guillier C, Brault V (2010). Phloem protein partners of Cucurbit aphid borne yellows virus: possible involvement of phloem proteins in virus transmission by aphids. Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 23:799-810. PubMed | DOI
Beneteau J, Renard D, Marche L, Douville E, Lavenant L, Rahbe Y, Dupont D, Vilaine F, Dinant S (2010). Binding properties of the N-acetylglucosamine and high-mannose N-glycan PP2-A1 phloem lectin in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol, 153:1345-1361. PubMed | DOI
Contesto C, Milesi S, Mantelin S, Zancarini A, Desbrosses G, Varoquaux F, Bellini C, Kowalczyk M, Touraine B (2010). The auxin-signaling pathway is required for the lateral root response of Arabidopsis to the rhizobacterium Phyllobacterium brassicacearum. Planta, 232:1455-1470. PubMed | DOI
Dinant S, Bonnemain JL, Girousse C, Kehr J (2010). Phloem sap intricacy and interplay with aphid feeding. C R Biol, 333:504-515. PubMed | DOI
Dinant S, Lemoine R (2010). The phloem pathway: new issues and old debates. C R Biol, 333:307-319. PubMed | DOI
Giordanengo P, Brunissen L, Rusterucci C, Vincent C, Van Bel A, Dinant S, Girousse C, Faucher M, Bonnemain JL (2010). Compatible plant-aphid interactions: how aphids manipulate plant responses. C R Biol, 333:516-523. PubMed | DOI
Keech O, Pesquet E, Gutierrez L, Ahad A, Bellini C, Smith SM, Gardestrom P (2010). Leaf senescence is accompanied by an early disruption of the microtubule network in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol, 154:1710-1720. PubMed | DOI
Guillaumie S, Mzid R, Méchin V, Leon C, Hichri I, Destrac-Irvine A, Trossat-Magnin C, Delrot S, Lauvergeat V (2010). The grapevine transcription factor WRKY2 influences the lignin pathway and xylem development in tobacco. Plant Mol Biol, 72:215-234. PubMed | DOI
Arraouadi S, Chardon F, Huguet T, Aouani ME, Badri M (2010). QTLs mapping of morphological traits related to salt tolerance in Medicago truncatula. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 33:917-926. PubMed | DOI
Debouba M, Suzuki A, Boutet S, Ghorbek MH, Gouia H (2010). Aminoacid changes in leaves and roots of tomato(Solanum lycopersicum)during salt stress. Acta Botanica Gallica, 157:255-264. PubMed | DOI
Gaufichon L, Reisdorf-Cren M, Rothstein SJ, Chardon F, Suzuki A (2010). Biological functions of asparagine synthetase in plants. Plant Science, 179:141-153. PubMed | DOI
Labboun S, Terce-Laforgue T, Roscher A, Bedu M, Restivo FM, Velanis CN, Skopelitis DS, Moschou PN, Roubelakis-Angelakis KA, Suzuki A, Hirel B (2009). Resolving the role of plant glutamate dehydrogenase. I. In vivo real time nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy experiments. Plant Cell Physiol, 50:1761-1773. PubMed | DOI
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