Research teams

Spatial Control of Cell Division

SPACE 9 members

IJPB publications (2006-to date)
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Romeiro Motta M, Nédélec F, Saville H, Woelken E, Jacquerie C, Pastuglia M, Stolze SC, Van De Slijke E, Böttger L, Belcram K, Nakagami H, De Jaeger G, Bouchez D, Schnittger A (2024). The cell cycle controls spindle architecture in Arabidopsis by activating the augmin pathway. Dev Cell, S1534-5807(24)00484-2. PubMed | DOI
Lebecq A, Goldy C, Fangain A, Gascon E, Belcram K, Pastuglia M, Bouchez D, Caillaud MC (2023). The phosphoinositide signature guides the final step of plant cytokinesis. Sci Adv, 9(29):eadf7532. PubMed | DOI
Romeiro Motta M, Zhao X, Pastuglia M, Belcram K, Roodbarkelari F, Komaki M, Harashima H, Komaki S, Kumar M, Bulankova P, Heese M, Riha K, Bouchez D, Schnittger A (2022). B1-type cyclins control microtubule organization during cell division in Arabidopsis. EMBO Rep, 23(1):e53995. PubMed | DOI
Hamant O, Inoue D, Bouchez D, Dumais J, Mjolsness E (2019). Are microtubules tension sensors?. Nat Commun, 10:2360. PubMed | DOI
Boudaoud A, Burian A, Borowska-Wykret D, Uyttewaal M, Wrzalik R, Kwiatkowska D, Hamant O (2014). FibrilTool, an ImageJ plug-in to quantify fibrillar structures in raw microscopy images. Nat Protoc, 9:457-463. PubMed | DOI
Spinner L, Gadeyne A, Belcram K, Goussot M, Moison M, Duroc Y, Eeckhout D, De Winne N, Schaefer E, Van De Slijke E, Persiau G, Witters E, Gevaert K, De Jaeger G, Bouchez D, Van Damme D, Pastuglia M (2013). A protein phosphatase 2A complex spatially controls plant cell division. Nat Commun, 4:1863. PubMed | DOI
Uyttewaal M, Burian A, Alim K, Landrein B, Borowska-Wykret D, Dedieu A, Peaucelle A, Ludynia M, Traas J, Boudaoud A, Kwiatkowska D, Hamant O (2012). Mechanical stress acts via katanin to amplify differences in growth rate between adjacent cells in Arabidopsis. Cell, 149:439-451. PubMed | DOI
Johannes F, Porcher E, Teixeira FK, Saliba-Colombani V, Simon M, Agier N, Bulski A, Albuisson J, Heredia F, Audigier P, Bouchez D, Dillmann C, Guerche P, Hospital F, Colot V (2009). Assessing the impact of transgenerational epigenetic variation on complex traits. PLoS Genet, 5:e1000530. PubMed | DOI
Azimzadeh J, Nacry P, Christodoulidou A, Drevensek S, Camilleri C, Amiour N, Parcy F, Pastuglia M, Bouchez D (2008). Arabidopsis TONNEAU1 proteins are essential for preprophase band formation and interact with centrin. Plant Cell, 20:2146-2159. PubMed | DOI
Pierre M, Traverso JA, Boisson B, Domenichini S, Bouchez D, Giglione C, Meinnel T (2007). N-myristoylation regulates the SnRK1 pathway in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 19:2804-2821. PubMed | DOI
Ostrowski MF, David J, Santoni S, Mckhann H, Reboud X, Le Corre V, Camilleri C, Brunel D, Bouchez D, Faure B, Bataillon T (2006). Evidence for a large-scale population structure among accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana: possible causes and consequences for the distribution of linkage disequilibrium. Mol Ecol, 15:1507-1517. PubMed | DOI
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