Research teams

Nitrogen Use, Transport and Signaling

NUTS 16 members

Key publications
Forzani C, Duarte GT, Van Leene J, Clément G, Huguet S, Paysant-Le Roux C, Mercier R, De Jaeger G, Leprince AS, Meyer C (2019). Mutations of the AtYAK1 Kinase Suppress TOR Deficiency in Arabidopsis. Cell Rep, 27:3696-3708 e3695. PubMed | DOI
Kiba T, Feria-Bourrellier AB, Lafouge F, Lezhneva L, Boutet S, Orsel M, Bréhaut V, Miller A, Daniel-Vedele F, Sakakibara H, Krapp A (2012). The Arabidopsis nitrate transporter NRT2.4 plays a double role in roots and shoots of nitrogen-starved plants. Plant Cell, 24:245-258. PubMed | DOI
Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolai M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C (2007). The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation. EMBO Rep, 8:864-870. PubMed | DOI
All publications (2006-to date)
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Ouibrahim L, Rubio AG, Moretti A, Montane MH, Menand B, Meyer C, Robaglia C, Caranta C (2015). Potyviruses differ in their requirement for TOR signalling. J Gen Virol, 96:2898-2903. PubMed | DOI
Rexin D, Meyer C, Robaglia C, Veit B (2015). TOR signalling in plants. Biochem J, 470:1-14. PubMed | DOI
Girin T, David LC, Chardin C, Sibout R, Krapp A, Ferrario-Méry S, Daniel-Vedele F (2014). Brachypodium: a promising hub between model species and cereals. J Exp Bot, 65:5683-5696. PubMed | DOI
Leran S, Varala K, Boyer JC, Chiurazzi M, Crawford N, Daniel-Vedele F, David L, Dickstein R, Fernandez E, Forde B, Gassmann W, Geiger D, Gojon A, Gong JM, Halkier BA, Harris JM, Hedrich R, Limami AM, Rentsch D, Seo M, Tsay YF, Zhang M, Coruzzi G, Lacombe B (2014). A unified nomenclature of NITRATE TRANSPORTER 1/PEPTIDE TRANSPORTER family members in plants. Trends Plant Sci, 19:5-9. PubMed | DOI
Lezhneva L, Kiba T, Feria-Bourrellier AB, Lafouge F, Boutet S, Zoufan P, Sakakibara H, Daniel-Vedele F, Krapp A (2014). The Arabidopsis nitrate transporter NRT2.5 plays a role in nitrate acquisition and remobilization in nitrogen-starved plants. Plant J, 80:230-241. PubMed | DOI
Chardon F, Bedu M, Calenge F, Klemens PA, Spinner L, Clément G, Chietera G, Leran S, Ferrand M, Lacombe B, Loudet O, Dinant S, Bellini C, Neuhaus HE, Daniel-Vedele F, Krapp A (2013). Leaf fructose content is controlled by the vacuolar transporter SWEET17 in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol, 23:697-702. PubMed | DOI
Kiba T, Feria-Bourrellier AB, Lafouge F, Lezhneva L, Boutet S, Orsel M, Bréhaut V, Miller A, Daniel-Vedele F, Sakakibara H, Krapp A (2012). The Arabidopsis nitrate transporter NRT2.4 plays a double role in roots and shoots of nitrogen-starved plants. Plant Cell, 24:245-258. PubMed | DOI
Pribat A, Sormani R, Rousseau-Gueutin M, Julkowska MM, Testerink C, Joubes J, Castroviejo M, Laguerre M, Meyer C, Germain V, Rothan C (2012). A novel class of PTEN protein in Arabidopsis displays unusual phosphoinositide phosphatase activity and efficiently binds phosphatidic acid. Biochem J, 441:161-171. PubMed | DOI
Robaglia C, Thomas M, Meyer C (2012). Sensing nutrient and energy status by SnRK1 and TOR kinases. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 15:301-307. PubMed | DOI
Dechorgnat J, Nguyen CT, Armengaud P, Jossier M, Diatloff E, Filleur S, Daniel-Vedele F (2011). From the soil to the seeds: the long journey of nitrate in plants. J Exp Bot, 62:1349-1359. PubMed | DOI
Dobrenel T, Marchive C, Sormani R, Moreau M, Mozzo M, Montane MH, Menand B, Robaglia C, Meyer C (2011). Regulation of plant growth and metabolism by the TOR kinase. Biochem Soc Trans, 39:477-481. PubMed | DOI
Heidari B, Matre P, Nemie-Feyissa D, Meyer C, Rognli OA, Moller SG, Lillo C (2011). Protein phosphatase 2A B55 and A regulatory subunits interact with nitrate reductase and are essential for nitrate reductase activation. Plant Physiol, 156:165-172. PubMed | DOI
Krapp A, Berthomé R, Orsel M, Boutet S, Yu A, Castaings L, Elftieh S, Major H, Renou JP, Daniel-Vedele F (2011). Arabidopsis roots and shoots show distinct temporal adaptation patterns toward nitrogen starvation. Plant Physiol, 157:1255-1282. PubMed | DOI
Matiolli CC, Tomaz JP, Duarte GT, Prado FM, Del Bem LE, Silveira AB, Gauer L, Correa LG, Drumond RD, Viana AJ, Di Mascio P, Meyer C, Vincentz M (2011). The Arabidopsis bZIP gene AtbZIP63 is a sensitive integrator of transient abscisic acid and glucose signals. Plant Physiol, 157:692-705. PubMed | DOI
Massonnet C, Vile D, Fabre J, Hannah MA, Caldana C, Lisec J, Beemster GT, Meyer RC, Messerli G, Gronlund JT, Perkovic J, Wigmore E, May S, Bevan MW, Meyer C, Rubio-Diaz S, Weigel D, Micol JL, Buchanan-Wollaston V, Fiorani F, Walsh S, Rinn B, Gruissem W, Hilson P, Hennig L, Willmitzer L, Granier C (2010). Probing the reproducibility of leaf growth and molecular phenotypes: a comparison of three Arabidopsis accessions cultivated in ten laboratories. Plant Physiol, 152:2142-2157. PubMed | DOI
Van Leene J, Hollunder J, Eeckhout D, Persiau G, Van De Slijke E, Stals H, Van Isterdael G, Verkest A, Neirynck S, Buffel Y, De Bodt S, Maere S, Laukens K, Pharazyn A, Ferreira PC, Eloy N, Renne C, Meyer C, Faure JD, Steinbrenner J, Beynon J, Larkin JC, Van De Peer Y, Hilson P, Kuiper M, De Veylder L, Van Onckelen H, Inzé D, Witters E, De Jaeger G (2010). Targeted interactomics reveals a complex core cell cycle machinery in Arabidopsis thaliana. Mol Syst Biol, 6:397. PubMed | DOI
Castaings L, Camargo A, Pocholle D, Gaudon V, Texier Y, Boutet S, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Daniel-Vedele F, Fernandez E, Meyer C, Krapp A (2009). The nodule inception-like protein 7 modulates nitrate sensing and metabolism in Arabidopsis. Plant J, 57:426-435. PubMed | DOI
Feria-Bourrellier AB, Ferrario-Méry S, Vidal J, Hodges M (2009). Metabolite regulation of the interaction between Arabidopsis thaliana PII and N-acetyl-l-glutamate kinase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 387:700-704. PubMed | DOI
Monachello D, Allot M, Oliva S, Krapp A, Daniel-Vedele F, Barbier-Brygoo H, Ephritikhine G (2009). Two anion transporters AtClCa and AtClCe fulfil interconnecting but not redundant roles in nitrate assimilation pathways. New Phytol, 183:88-94. PubMed | DOI
Mérigout P, Gaudon V, Quilleré I, Briand X, Daniel-Vedele F (2008). Urea Use Efficiency of Hydroponically Grown Maize and Wheat. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 31:427-443. PubMed | DOI
Mérigout P, Lelandais M, Bitton F, Renou JP, Briand X, Meyer C, Daniel-Vedele F (2008). Physiological and transcriptomic aspects of urea uptake and assimilation in Arabidopsis plants. Plant Physiol, 147:1225-1238. PubMed | DOI
Chopin F, Orsel M, Dorbe MF, Chardon F, Truong HN, Miller AJ, Krapp A, Daniel-Vedele F (2007). The Arabidopsis ATNRT2.7 nitrate transporter controls nitrate content in seeds. Plant Cell, 19:1590-1602. PubMed | DOI
Chopin F, Wirth J, Dorbe MF, Lejay L, Krapp A, Gojon A, Daniel-Vedele F (2007). The Arabidopsis nitrate transporter AtNRT2.1 is targeted to the root plasma membrane. Plant Physiol Biochem, 45:630-635. PubMed | DOI
Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolai M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C (2007). The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation. EMBO Rep, 8:864-870. PubMed | DOI
Loudet O, Saliba-Colombani V, Camilleri C, Calenge F, Gaudon V, Koprivova A, North KA, Kopriva S, Daniel-Vedele F (2007). Natural variation for sulfate content in Arabidopsis thaliana is highly controlled by APR2. Nat Genet, 39:896-900. PubMed | DOI
Orsel M, Chopin F, Leleu O, Smith SJ, Krapp A, Daniel-Vedele F, Miller AJ (2007). Nitrate signaling and the two component high affinity uptake system in Arabidopsis. Plant Signal Behav, 2:260-262. PubMed | DOI
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