Research teams

Variation and Abiotic Stress Tolerance

VAST 5 members

All publications (2006-to date)
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Pineau C, Loubet S, Lefoulon C, Chalies C, Fizames C, Lacombe B, Ferrand M, Loudet O, Berthomieu P, Richard O (2012). Natural variation at the FRD3 MATE transporter locus reveals cross-talk between Fe homeostasis and Zn tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genet, 8:e1003120. PubMed | DOI
Poormohammad Kiani S, Trontin C, Andreatta M, Simon M, Robert T, Salt DE, Loudet O (2012). Allelic heterogeneity and trade-off shape natural variation for response to soil micronutrient. PLoS Genet, 8:e1002814. PubMed | DOI
Platt A, Horton M, Huang YS, Li Y, Anastasio AE, Mulyati NW, Agren J, Bossdorf O, Byers D, Donohue K, Dunning M, Holub EB, Hudson A, Le Corre V, Loudet O, Roux F, Warthmann N, Weigel D, Rivero L, Scholl R, Nordborg M, Bergelson J, Borevitz JO (2010). The scale of population structure in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genet, 6:e1000843. PubMed | DOI
Balasubramanian S, Schwartz C, Singh A, Warthmann N, Kim MC, Maloof JN, Loudet O, Trainer GT, Dabi T, Borevitz JO, Chory J, Weigel D (2009). QTL mapping in new Arabidopsis thaliana advanced intercross-recombinant inbred lines. PLoS One, 4:e4318. PubMed | DOI
Bikard D, Patel D, Le Mette C, Giorgi V, Camilleri C, Bennett MJ, Loudet O (2009). Divergent evolution of duplicate genes leads to genetic incompatibilities within A. thaliana. Science, 323:623-626. PubMed | DOI
Ainsworth EA, Beier C, Calfapietra C, Ceulemans R, Durand-Tardif M, Farquhar GD, Godbold DL, Hendrey GR, Hickler T, Kaduk J, Karnosky DF, Kimball BA, Korner C, Koornneef M, Lafarge T, Leakey AD, Lewin KF, Long SP, Manderscheid R, Mcneil DL, Mies TA, Miglietta F, Morgan JA, Nagy J, Norby RJ, Norton RM, Percy KE, Rogers A, Soussana JF, Stitt M, Weigel HJ, White JW (2008). Next generation of elevated [CO2] experiments with crops: a critical investment for feeding the future world. Plant Cell Environ, 31:1317-1324. PubMed | DOI
Bouchabké-Coussa O, Quashie ML, Seoane-Redondo J, Fortabat MN, Géry C, Yu A, Linderme D, Trouverie J, Granier F, Téoulé E, Durand-Tardif M (2008). ESKIMO1 is a key gene involved in water economy as well as cold acclimation and salt tolerance. BMC Plant Biol, 8:125. PubMed | DOI
Loudet O, Michael TP, Burger BT, Le Mette C, Mockler TC, Weigel D, Chory J (2008). A zinc knuckle protein that negatively controls morning-specific growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105:17193-17198. PubMed | DOI
Mckhann HI, Géry C, Bérard A, Leveque S, Zuther E, Hincha DK, De Mita S, Brunel D, Téoulé E (2008). Natural variation in CBF gene sequence, gene expression and freezing tolerance in the Versailles core collection of Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biol, 8:105. PubMed | DOI
Sicard O, Loudet O, Keurentjes JJ, Candresse T, Le Gall O, Revers F, Decroocq V (2008). Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling symptom development during viral infection in Arabidopsis thaliana. Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 21:198-207. PubMed | DOI
Loudet O, Saliba-Colombani V, Camilleri C, Calenge F, Gaudon V, Koprivova A, North KA, Kopriva S, Daniel-Vedele F (2007). Natural variation for sulfate content in Arabidopsis thaliana is highly controlled by APR2. Nat Genet, 39:896-900. PubMed | DOI
Calenge F, Saliba-Colombani V, Mahieu S, Loudet O, Daniel-Vedele F, Krapp A (2006). Natural variation for carbohydrate content in Arabidopsis. Interaction with complex traits dissected by quantitative genetics. Plant Physiol, 141:1630-1643. PubMed | DOI
Diaz C, Saliba-Colombani V, Loudet O, Belluomo P, Moreau L, Daniel-Vedele F, Morot-Gaudry JF, Masclaux-Daubresse C (2006). Leaf yellowing and anthocyanin accumulation are two genetically independent strategies in response to nitrogen limitation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol, 47:74-83. PubMed | DOI
Kliebenstein DJ, West MA, Van Leeuwen H, Loudet O, Doerge RW, St Clair DA (2006). Identification of QTLs controlling gene expression networks defined a priori. BMC Bioinformatics, 7:308. PubMed | DOI
Mouille G, Witucka-Wall H, Bruyant MP, Loudet O, Pelletier S, Rihouey C, Lerouxel O, Lerouge P, Höfte H, Pauly M (2006). Quantitative trait loci analysis of primary cell wall composition in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol, 141:1035-1044. PubMed | DOI
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