IJPB publications (2006-to date)
Bouchez-Mahiout I, Boulenc E,
Snegaroff J, Choudat D, Pecquet C, Raison-Peyron N, Vigan M, Chabane H, Dron-Gonzalves M, Branlard G, Tanis-Plant S, Lauriere M (2010).
Immunoblotting analysis of wheat allergens: control of side reactions through wheat polypeptides naturally present in dried cow milk.
Food and Agricultural Immunology, 21:237-251.
Curvers K, Seifi H,
Mouille G, De Rycke R, Asselbergh B, Van Hecke A, Vanderschaeghe D,
Höfte H, Callewaert N, Van Breusegem F, Höfte M (2010).
Abscisic acid deficiency causes changes in cuticle permeability and pectin composition that influence tomato resistance to Botrytis cinerea.
Plant Physiol, 154:847-860.
D'erfurth I,
Cromer L,
Jolivet S,
Girard C,
Horlow C, Sun Y, To JP, Berchowitz LE, Copenhaver GP,
Mercier R (2010).
The cyclin-A CYCA1;2/TAM is required for the meiosis I to meiosis II transition and cooperates with OSD1 for the prophase to first meiotic division transition.
PLoS Genet, 6:e1000989.
Galon Y, Aloni R, Nachmias D, Snir O, Feldmesser E, Scrase-Field S, Boyce JM,
Bouché N, Knight MR, Fromm H (2010).
Calmodulin-binding transcription activator 1 mediates auxin signaling and responds to stresses in Arabidopsis.
Planta, 232:165-178.
Kopecný D,
Briozzo P, Popelkova H, Sebela M, Koncitíková R, Spíchal L, Nisler J, Madzak C, Frebort I, Laloue M,
Houba-Herin N (2010).
Phenyl- and benzylurea cytokinins as competitive inhibitors of cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase: a structural study.
Biochimie, 92:1052-1062.
Lachaud C, Da Silva D, Cotelle V, Thuleau P, Xiong TC, Jauneau A, Briere C, Graziana A,
Bellec Y,
Faure JD, Ranjeva R, Mazars C (2010).
Nuclear calcium controls the apoptotic-like cell death induced by d-erythro-sphinganine in tobacco cells.
Cell Calcium, 47:92-100.
Laffont C, Blanchet S,
Lapierre C, Brocard L, Ratet P, Crespi M, Mathesius U, Frugier F (2010).
The compact root architecture1 gene regulates lignification, flavonoid production, and polar auxin transport in Medicago truncatula.
Plant Physiol, 153:1597-1607.