IJPB publications (2006-to date)
Matiolli CC, Tomaz JP, Duarte GT, Prado FM, Del Bem LE, Silveira AB, Gauer L, Correa LG, Drumond RD, Viana AJ, Di Mascio P,
Meyer C, Vincentz M (2011).
The Arabidopsis bZIP gene AtbZIP63 is a sensitive integrator of transient abscisic acid and glucose signals.
Plant Physiol, 157:692-705.
Melser S,
Molino D, Batailler B, Peypelut M, Laloi M, Wattelet-Boyer V,
Bellec Y,
Faure JD, Moreau P (2011).
Links between lipid homeostasis, organelle morphodynamics and protein trafficking in eukaryotic and plant secretory pathways.
Plant Cell Rep, 30:177-193.
Mravec J, Petrasek J, Li N, Boeren S, Karlova R, Kitakura S, Parezova M, Naramoto S, Nodzynski T, Dhonukshe P, Bednarek SY, Zazimalova E, De Vries S, Friml J (2011).
Cell plate restricted association of DRP1A and PIN proteins is required for cell polarity establishment in Arabidopsis.
Curr Biol, 21:1055-1060.
Peaucelle A, Louvet R, Johansen JN,
Salsac F,
Morin H, Fournet F,
Belcram K, Gillet F,
Höfte H,
Laufs P,
Mouille G, Pelloux J (2011).
The transcription factor BELLRINGER modulates phyllotaxis by regulating the expression of a pectin methylesterase in Arabidopsis.
Development, 138:4733-4741.
Plessis A, Cournol R, Effroy D, Silva Perez V, Botran L, Kraepiel Y,
Frey A, Sotta B, Cornic G,
Leung J, Giraudat J,
Marion-Poll A,
North HM (2011).
New ABA-hypersensitive Arabidopsis mutants are affected in loci mediating responses to water deficit and Dickeya dadantii infection.
PLoS One, 6:e20243.
Pouvreau B,
Baud S, Vernoud V, Morin V, Py C, Gendrot G, Pichon JP, Rouster J, Paul W, Rogowsky PM (2011).
Duplicate maize Wrinkled1 transcription factors activate target genes involved in seed oil biosynthesis.
Plant Physiol, 156:674-686.
Rajjou L, Belghazi M, Catusse J,
Ogé L,
Arc E,
Godin B, Chibani K, Ali-Rachidi S,
Collet B,
Grappin P, Jullien M, Gallardo K, Job C, Job D (2011).
Proteomics and posttranslational proteomics of seed dormancy and germination.
Methods Mol Biol, 773:215-236.
Renny-Byfield S, Chester M, Kovarik A, Le Comber SC,
Grandbastien MA,
Deloger M, Nichols RA, Macas J, Novak P, Chase MW, Leitch AR (2011).
Next generation sequencing reveals genome downsizing in allotetraploid Nicotiana tabacum, predominantly through the elimination of paternally derived repetitive DNAs.
Mol Biol Evol, 28:2843-2854.
Richet N, Afif D, Huber F,
Pollet B, Banvoy J, El Zein R,
Lapierre C, Dizengremel P, Perre P, Cabane M (2011).
Cellulose and lignin biosynthesis is altered by ozone in wood of hybrid poplar (Populus tremula x alba).
J Exp Bot, 62:3575-3586.
Roudier F, Ahmed I, Berard C, Sarazin A, Mary-Huard T, Cortijo S, Bouyer D, Caillieux E, Duvernois-Berthet E, Al-Shikhley L,
Giraut L, Despres B, Drevensek S, Barneche F, Derozier S, Brunaud V, Aubourg S, Schnittger A, Bowler C, Martin-Magniette ML, Robin S,
Caboche M, Colot V (2011).
Integrative epigenomic mapping defines four main chromatin states in Arabidopsis.
EMBO J, 30:1928-1938.
Tamasloukht B, Wong Quai Lam MS, Martinez Y, Tozo K, Barbier O, Jourda C, Jauneau A, Borderies G, Balzergue S, Renou JP, Huguet S, Martinant JP, Tatout C,
Lapierre C, Barriere Y, Goffner D, Pichon M (2011).
Characterization of a cinnamoyl-CoA reductase 1 (CCR1) mutant in maize: effects on lignification, fibre development, and global gene expression.
J Exp Bot, 62:3837-3848.
Thévenin J,
Pollet B,
Letarnec B, Saulnier L,
Gissot L,
Maia-Grondard A,
Lapierre C, Jouanin L (2011).
The simultaneous repression of CCR and CAD, two enzymes of the lignin biosynthetic pathway, results in sterility and dwarfism in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Mol Plant, 4:70-82.
Wang XB, Jovel J, Udomporn P,
Wang Y, Wu Q, Li WX,
Gasciolli V,
Vaucheret H, Ding SW (2011).
The 21-nucleotide, but not 22-nucleotide, viral secondary small interfering RNAs direct potent antiviral defense by two cooperative argonautes in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Plant Cell, 23:1625-1638.
Andrey P, Kieu K, Kress C, Lehmann G, Tirichine L, Liu Z,
Biot E, Adenot PG, Hue-Beauvais C,
Houba-Herin N, Duranthon V, Devinoy E, Beaujean N,
Gaudin V, Maurin Y, Debey P (2010).
Statistical analysis of 3D images detects regular spatial distributions of centromeres and chromocenters in animal and plant nuclei.
PLoS Comput Biol, 6:e1000853.
Baud S, Feria-Bourrellier AB,
Azzopardi M,
Berger A,
Dechorgnat J, Daniel-Vedele F,
Lepiniec L,
Miquel M, Rochat C, Hodges M,
Ferrario-Méry S (2010).
PII is induced by WRINKLED1 and fine-tunes fatty acid composition in seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Plant J, 64:291-303.
Bencharki B, Boissinot S, Revollon S, Ziegler-Graff V, Erdinger M, Wiss L,
Dinant S, Renard D, Beuve M, Lemaître-Guillier C, Brault V (2010).
Phloem protein partners of Cucurbit aphid borne yellows virus: possible involvement of phloem proteins in virus transmission by aphids.
Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 23:799-810.