IJPB publications (2006-to date)
Dobrovolskaya O, Pont C, Sibout R, Martinek P, Badaeva E, Murat F, Chosson A, Watanabe N, Prat E, Gautier N, Gautier V, Poncet C, Orlov YL, Krasnikov AA, Berges H, Salina E, Laikova L, Salse J (2015).
FRIZZY PANICLE drives supernumerary spikelets in bread wheat.
Plant Physiol, 167:189-199.
Draeger C, Ndinyanka Fabrice T,
Gineau E,
Mouille G, Kuhn BM, Moller I, Abdou MT, Frey B, Pauly M, Bacic A, Ringli C (2015).
Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat extensin (LRX) proteins modify cell wall composition and influence plant growth.
BMC Plant Biol, 15:155.
Francin-Allami M, Merah K, Albenne C, Rogniaux H, Pavlovic M, Lollier V, Sibout R, Guillon F, Jamet E, Larre C (2015).
Cell wall proteomic of Brachypodium distachyon grains: A focus on cell wall remodeling proteins.
Proteomics, 15:2296-2306.
Gironde A, Etienne P, Trouverie J, Bouchereau A, Le Caherec F, Leport L, Orsel M, Niogret MF, Nesi N, Carole D,
Soulay F,
Masclaux-Daubresse C, Avice JC (2015).
The contrasting N management of two oilseed rape genotypes reveals the mechanisms of proteolysis associated with leaf N remobilization and the respective contributions of leaves and stems to N storage and remobilization during seed filling.
BMC Plant Biol, 15:59.
Goncalves B,
Hasson A,
Belcram K,
Cortizo M,
Morin H,
Nikovics K, Vialette-Guiraud A, Takeda S, Aida M,
Laufs P,
Arnaud N (2015).
A conserved role for CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes during ovule development.
Plant J, 83:732-742.
Grimault A, Gendrot G, Chamot S, Widiez T, Rabille H, Gerentes MF, Creff A,
Thévenin J,
Dubreucq B, Ingram GC, Rogowsky PM, Depege-Fargeix N (2015).
ZmZHOUPI, an endosperm-specific basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor involved in maize seed development.
Plant J, 84:574-586.
Jegu T, Domenichini S,
Blein T, Ariel F, Christ A, Kim SK, Crespi M,
Boutet S,
Mouille G, Bourge M, Hirt H, Bergounioux C, Raynaud C, Benhamed M (2015).
A SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodelling Protein Controls Cytokinin Production through the Regulation of Chromatin Architecture.
PLoS One, 10:e0138276.
Kelemen Z, Sebastian A,
Xu W,
Grain D,
Salsac F, Avon A,
Berger N, Tran J,
Dubreucq B, Lurin C,
Lepiniec L, Contreras-Moreira B,
Dubos C (2015).
Analysis of the DNA-Binding Activities of the Arabidopsis R2R3-MYB Transcription Factor Family by One-Hybrid Experiments in Yeast.
PLoS One, 10:e0141044.
Khan M, Ragni L, Tabb P, Salasini BC, Chatfield S, Datla R, Lock J, Kuai X, Despres C, Proveniers M, Yongguo C, Xiang D,
Morin H,
Rulliere JP,
Citerne S, Hepworth SR,
Pautot V (2015).
Repression of Lateral Organ Boundary Genes by PENNYWISE and POUND-FOOLISH Is Essential for Meristem Maintenance and Flowering in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol, 169:2166-2186.
Landrein B, Kiss A, Sassi M, Chauvet A, Das P,
Cortizo M,
Laufs P, Takeda S, Aida M, Traas J, Vernoux T, Boudaoud A, Hamant O (2015).
Mechanical stress contributes to the expression of the STM homeobox gene in Arabidopsis shoot meristems.
Elife, 4:e07811.
Le Hir R,
Spinner L, Klemens PA, Chakraborti D,
De Marco F,
Vilaine F,
Wolff N, Lemoine R, Porcheron B,
Géry C,
Téoulé E,
Chabout S,
Mouille G, Neuhaus HE,
Dinant S,
Bellini C (2015).
Disruption of the Sugar Transporters AtSWEET11 and AtSWEET12 Affects Vascular Development and Freezing Tolerance in Arabidopsis.
Mol Plant, 8:1687-1690.
Leverenz RL, Sutter M, Wilson A, Gupta S, Thurotte A, Bourcier De Carbon C, Petzold CJ, Ralston C,
Perreau F, Kirilovsky D, Kerfeld CA (2015).
PHOTOSYNTHESIS. A 12 A carotenoid translocation in a photoswitch associated with cyanobacterial photoprotection.
Science, 348:1463-1466.
Luo Y, Scholl S, Doering A,
Zhang Y, Irani NG, Rubbo SD, Neumetzler L, Krishnamoorthy P, Van Houtte I, Mylle E,
Bischoff V,
Vernhettes S, Winne J, Friml J, Stierhof YD, Schumacher K, Persson S, Russinova E (2015).
V-ATPase activity in the TGN/EE is required for exocytosis and recycling in Arabidopsis.
Nat Plants, 1:15094.
Mameri H, Brossard C, Gaudin JC,
Gohon Y, Paty E, Beaudouin E, Moneret-Vautrin DA, Drouet M, Sole V, Wien F, Lupi R, Larre C,
Snegaroff J, Denery-Papini S (2015).
Structural Basis of IgE Binding to alpha- and gamma-Gliadins: Contribution of Disulfide Bonds and Repetitive and Nonrepetitive Domains.
J Agric Food Chem, 63:6546-6554.
Martinez De Alba AE, Moreno AB, Gabriel M, Mallory AC, Christ A, Bounon R, Balzergue S, Aubourg S, Gautheret D, Crespi MD,
Vaucheret H, Maizel A (2015).
In plants, decapping prevents RDR6-dependent production of small interfering RNAs from endogenous mRNAs.
Nucleic Acids Res, 43:2902-2913.
Mccarthy EW, Arnold SE, Chittka L, Le Comber SC, Verity R, Dodsworth S, Knapp S, Kelly LJ, Chase MW, Baldwin IT, Kovarik A,
Mhiri C, Taylor L, Leitch AR (2015).
The effect of polyploidy and hybridization on the evolution of floral colour in Nicotiana (Solanaceae).
Ann Bot, 115:1117-1131.
Poncet V, Scutt C, Tournebize R, Villegente M,
Cueff G,
Rajjou L, Balliau T, Zivy M, Fogliani B, Job C, De Kochko A, Sarramegna-Burtet V, Job D (2015).
The Amborella vacuolar processing enzyme family.
Front Plant Sci, 6:618.